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电子烟依然存在二手烟 最开始,人们对电子烟十分好奇,声称其响应了无烟政策——由于电子烟不会产生有害烟雾。现在,已经有许多电子烟工厂应运而生。但是,电子烟是否真的安全?现在的问题在于电子烟是否比传统香烟危害更少。 电子烟是电子产品,有着与传统香烟一样的外观,也像香烟一样能吸出烟。医学专家称,吸电子烟是为了让人们戒烟。但由于比一般香烟的口味要多出很多,甚至还有水果味的。那些不抽烟的人也开始喜欢抽烟了。而且吸电子烟不受约束,相对于传统香烟一年的花费,电子烟的花费少了将近一半。 专家称,电子烟也许比传统香烟安全,但这并不意味着绝对安全。吸电子烟时所产生的不是烟,而直接是雾气,直接地,更快速地进入肺部,心脏,甚至大脑中。一旦成瘾,癌症发病几率,先天畸型,发育障碍几率便会增加。2006年《妇产科学杂志》研究表明,嚼尼古丁口香糖的孕妇比不嚼的孕妇生产风险更高。 目前,电子烟的制造还不甚完善,对身体的危害还处于未知状态。上个月《成瘾行为》研究表明多数利用电子烟想要戒烟的人,最终要么吸电子烟成瘾,要么又开始抽烟。科学家发现电子烟对戒烟并没有多大帮助。因为吸烟着普遍都有这种心理矛盾——想要利用抽烟来缓解自己的矛盾的心理。 一些科学家认为,电子烟或许能帮一些人戒烟,但是从广义上来讲,吸电子烟依然有尼古丁,同样没有达到香烟制造商所说的制造更干净,更环保,更健康的社会。那么电子烟里面究竟含哪些成分呢?现在还不清楚。由于电子烟缺乏有系统的临床实验数据支持,也没有系统的管理条例,这项新技术还不能有效的管理。新西兰号召规范生产和安全销售电子烟,美国食品和药物管理局计划根据《烟草控制法》规范推广烟制品。 E-Cigarettes Just More Smoke and Mirrors, Doctors Say At first, electronic cigarettes were a novelty — something a braggart in a bar might puff to challenge the established no-smoking policy, marveling bystanders with the fact that the smoke released from the device was merely harmless vapor. Now, e-cigarettes are poised to be a billion-dollar industry, claimed as the solution to bring in smokers from out of the cold, both figuratively and literally, as e-cigarettes promise to lift the stigma of smoking and are increasingly permitted at indoor facilities where smoking is banned. So, are e-cigarettes safe? Well, theyre not great for you, doctors say. Whats being debated is the degree to which they are less dangerous than traditional cigarettes. 1940 revisited E-cigarettes are battery-powered devices, often shaped like traditional cigarettes, with a heating element that vaporizes a liquid nicotine solution, which must be replaced every few hundred puffs. Nicotine is inhaled into the lungs, and a largely odorless water vapor comes out of the device. Puffing an e-cigarette is called vaping. Yet the industrys duplicity is clear to medical experts: E-cigarettes are marketed to smokers as a means to wean them off of tobacco (although studies show they dont help much); yet the same devices


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