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WinSocket 编程 (基于UDP) 对于在一个无连接套接字上接收数据的进程来说,步骤并不复杂。先用WSAStartup来加载Winscock DLL相应版本,然后用socket或WSASocket建立套接字。再把这个套接字和准备接收数据的接口绑定在一起。这是通过b i n d函数来完成的。和面向连接会话不同的是,我们不必调用l i s t e n和a c c e p t。 1、Winsock的初始化 每个Wi n s o c k应用都必须加载Winsock DLL的相应版本。如果调用Wi n s o c k之前,没有加载Wi n s o c k库,这个函数就会返回一个S O C K E T _ E R R O R,错误信息是W S A N O T I N I T I A L I S E D。加载Wi n s o c k库是通过调用W S A S t a r t u p函数实现的。这个函数的定义如下: int WSAStartup( WORD wVersionRequested, LPWSADATA lpWSAData ); wVersionRequested [in] Highest version of Windows Sockets support that the caller can use. The high-order byte specifies the minor version (revision) number; the low-order byte specifies the major version number. lpWSAData [out] Pointer to the WSADATA data structure that is to receive details of the Windows Sockets implementation. The WSAStartup function returns zero if successful. Otherwise, it returns one of the error codes listed in the following. An application cannot call WSAGetLastError to determine the error code as is normally done in Windows Sockets if WSAStartup fails. The Ws2_32.dll will not have been loaded in the case of a failure so the client data area where the last error information is stored could not be established. Error code Meaning WSASYSNOTREADY Indicates that the underlying network subsystem is not ready for network communication. WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED The version of Windows Sockets support requested is not provided by this particular Windows Sockets implementation. WSAEINPROGRESS A blocking Windows Sockets 1.1 operation is in progress. WSAEPROCLIM Limit on the number of tasks supported by the Windows Sockets implementation has been reached. WSAEFAULT The lpWSAData is not a valid pointer. 注释: The WSAStartup function must be the first Windows Sockets function called by an application or DLL. It al


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