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一模单选易错题汇总 【宝山】 29. Every year Alice spends money on new clothes. A) many B)a large number of C) quite a few D) huge amounts of 30. We shall have a holiday after the final exam. A) three weeks B) three-week C) three week’s D) three -weeks 31. He was too angry to say . A) nothing B) something C) anything D) everything 33. The little girl is wearing a new skirt now. She looks . A) lovely B)wonderfully C) happily D) beautifully (ly结尾的形容词总结) friendly友好的---a friendly smile友好的微笑 fatherly像父亲的---a fatherly teacher一位父亲式的教师 lovely可爱的---a lovely girl一位可爱的姑娘 lively活泼的---a lively child一位活泼的小孩 lonely孤独的---a lonely traveller一位孤独的旅客 deadly致命的---a deadly blow致命的一击 silly傻的,无聊的---a silly question愚蠢的问题 orderly秩序的---an orderly mind有条不紊的头脑 manly男子气概的---a manly person具有男子气概的人 daily每日的---daily work日常工作 weekly每星期的---a weekly magazine周刊 yearly每年的---a yearly income年收入 ’d better not go out. A) hasn’t stopped B) didn’t stop C) won’t stop D) doesn’t stop 37. A lot of water in Shanghai every year. It’s a big problem. A) wastes B) is wasted C) have been wasted D) is wasting 39. Julia has been busy plans for her wedding. A) make B) to make C) made D) making Fresh water is precious it is sometimes called liquid gold. A) such...that B) too...to C) as...as D) so ...that 41. Mike didn’t tell us ___ . A) if he will give us a lecture B) Whether he would go with us C) When he has started D) When he will arrive The Palace Museum is located in the center of Beijing. The underlined part means . A) lays B) lying C) lies D) laid 26-30 D B C D B ;31-35 C D A D C;36-40 A B D D D;41-45 B D C B D 【崇明一模】 On children’s day, Steven always enjoys _____at the party. himself B. him C. his D. he (反身代词搭配的词组) hurt oneself 伤害自己 teach oneself 自学 get dressed oneself 自己穿衣服 enjoy oneself 玩得高兴 help oneself (to) 随便用…… When Kate came back home, her mother was busy ____the housework. with


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