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学兔兔 第44卷第12期 机 械 工 程 学 报 v0l_44 No.12 2008年 1 2月 CHINESE JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Dec. 2 0 0 8 DoI:1O.3901,JME.2008.12.093 基于机床混合模型的参数曲线高速插补 速度极值分析水 孙海洋 范大鹏 (国防科学技术大学机电工程与自动化学院 长沙 410073) 摘要:参数曲线高速数控插补时,进给速度规划需要综合考虑机床动力学特性和曲线几何特征的限制。通过建立机床进给系 统的机电混合模型,给出了参数曲线高速插补进给速度的机床动力学约束条件。以此条件为基础,采用 速度-an速度”相 平面分析法导出了速度极值曲线解析表达式。与实时插补弦高误差约束下的速度极值曲线表达式相比,二者具有一致性。通 过机床动力学约束下的速度极值曲线最大实时插补弦高误差估计,可简化插补进给速度规划约束条件。研究结果表明,给出 进给速度极值解析曲线是有效的,可为参数曲线高速插补进给速度优化规划提供理论分析依据。 关键词:数控机床 混合模型 参数曲线 插补 速度极值曲线 速度规划 中图分类号:TG659 TP273.5 Analysis on Velocity Limit of the Parametric Curve Interpolation in High CNC Machining Based on the Hybrid Models SUN Haiyang FAN Dapeng (College of Mechatronics Engineering and Automation,National University of Defense Technology,Changsha 4 1 0073) Abstract:Velocity planning for curved path interpolation in high CNC machining should be bounded by both dynamic properties of the machine tool and the geometrical properties of the curved path.Through building the electromechanical hybrid model of the machine feed system,the dynamical constraints of the high—speed CNC interpolating feed rate along a curved path are given.Based on them,an analytical formula of velocity limit curve is derived by using the‘velocity-acceleration”phase plane method.And the formula is intrinsically coherent with the one of chord error velocity limit curve.So the constraints of feed rate planning will be simplified by estimating the max chord en-or value of dynamical constraints of machine.The experimental results show that the analytic velocity limit curves are efficacious an


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