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审前程序论文:民事审前程序案件分流机制研究 【中文摘要】纠纷处理文化也是一种与时俱进的事物,当前我国正处于剧烈的社会转型期,多元化的价值取向正在打破传统的秩序结构,反映到民事司法领域中,当事人和法院正通过种种博弈重新调整自身在诉讼中的角色和地位。司法改革的重点在于如何实现司法资源的合理的配置,使案情较为简单的案件在审前实现分流,以减少法院和当事人的诉讼成本,这就需要构建我国的民事审前程序,充分发挥其案件分流的功能。在我国对世界绝大多数国家普遍适用的共同规则、标准和理念基本认同的今天,民事审前程序改革己不能不超越一定的地域、国界,即站在更高的角度来审视和考虑我国现行的审前的准备程序的诸多问题。解决这一问题的思路应当是构建我国的民事审前程序,将其置于世界各国民事审前程序的改革和发展的历史大潮中去分析和思考,但是迫于发展的内源性条件还不够成熟,我们可以将西方现行审前分流机制中某些有用的东西拿来为我所用,去构建具有我国特色的民事审前程序案件分流机制。本文从民事诉讼审前程序的价值理念和体系结构以及功效分析入手,初步探讨在当前司法改革背景下构建我国特色的民事审前程序和完善我国民事审前程序案件分流机制的必要性;并且通过对国外民事诉讼审前案件分流机制的分析考察,从而提出了完善我国民事诉讼审前程序分流机制的初步设想。 【英文摘要】Dispute resolution culture is a thing that always keeping pace with the times in our country, in a violent society a wide range of value orientation is to break the traditional order structure, reflected in the field of civil justice, the parties and the courts through the various game re-adjust its role and position in the proceedings. Judicial reform focused on how to realize the rational allocation of judicial resources, so that the case is relatively simple cases in the pre-trial diversion, in order to reduce the costs of the proceedings of the court and the parties, which need to build our country抯 civil pre-trial procedures, give full play to their cases the function of the shunt. In China the vast majority of countries of the world generally applicable common rules, standards and the concept of the basic identity of the civil pretrial procedural reform has can not fail to go beyond the geographical borders, ie, a higher perspective to look at and consider our current many problems of the pre-trial preparation procedures. Ideas to solve this problem should be to build our country抯 civil pre-trial procedures, placing it in the world civil pretrial procedure reform and development of the historical tide of analysis and reflection, but not enough endogenous conditions forced the development of mature, we can bring some useful things in the Western triage system before the current trial as I used to build th


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