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中国科技论文在线 基于手机卫士的服务提供系统的设计 1 1 2* 马春晓 ,邹仕洪 ,林宇 (1. 北京邮电大学网络与交换技术国家重点实验室,北京 100876; 2. 北京网秦天下科技有限公司,北京 100013 ) 摘要:如今,随着智能手机的普及,为其开发的应用也越来越多。为了能够是用户得到更好 的使用体验并及时作出反馈,越来越多的应用软件不再只是一个功能固定单一的客户端,而 是通过移动互联网与其后台的服务器端进行交互,从而可以提供更加优质快捷的服务。由于 现有智能手机平台的不一致性,能够为运行于不同平台的同一应用软件提供无差别的服务支 持无疑是至关重要的。 本文通过论述为一款名为手机卫士的应用软件提供服务的服务器端的设计过程,呈献给读者 一个完整的设计流程,可供人们在进行类似服务器端构建的时候进行一些借鉴和参考。 关键词:移动应用服务;MVC 模式;XML; 中图分类号:TP311 Design of Service Provide System Based on Mobile Guard 1 1 2 MA Chunxiao , ZOU Shihong , LIN Yu (1. Institute of Network Technology,Beijing University of Post and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876; 2. Beijing NetQin Mobile Inc., Beijing 100013) Abstract: Now, with the popularity of smart phones, the number of applications for them becmoes more and more. In order to better the user experience and timely feedback, more and more applications are no longer just a client with fixed functions, but iteract with the server in the background through the mobile Internet, which can provide more quality and efficient service. As mobile platforms are not uniform, to provide the same application software services and to support non-discrimination on different platforms are undoubtedly essential. This paper discusses the design process of the server, which provides services for an software called Mobile Guardian and was presented to the readers a complete design flow. People can get some reference from this pape


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