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Updated January 10th 2013 [1] Translated by Lin Junqiu@2013 RoboCupJunior Soccer Rules 2013 2013 RoboCupJunior 机器人青少年世界杯足球比赛规则 RoboCupJunior Soccer Technical Committee 2013: José Dias (Portugal), jatdias@sapo.pt Gerard Elias (Australia), elias.gerard@ Luis José López (Mexico), CHAIR, llopez@TecnoV Katsumi Masaoka (Japan), k-mac@sea.plala.or.jp Sebastian Polly (Germany), Sebastian.Polly@gmx.de Gio Spina (Canada), profspina@ These are the official rules for RoboCupJunior 2013. They are released by the RoboCupJunior Soccer Technical Committee for Soccer. These rules have priority over any translations. Preface:前言 In the RoboCupJunior soccer challenge, teams of two autonomous mobile robots compete against another team in matches. They must look for an infrared-light-emitting ball, trying to score into a color-coded goal in a special field built in a way that resembles the actual field for human soccer. Robots are required to have full autonomy from humans, technical designs, and ingenious programming by their developers. 在RCJ足球比赛中,两队自主控制的机器人相互对抗。在一个与人类足球赛场类似的场地中,机器人必须寻找一个发出红外光的足球,并将球踢进以颜色区别双方的球门,才能得分。机器人必须脱离人工控制,能自主运作,并由它们的开发者完成设计和编程。 Participants of this challenge are required to give the best of their abilities in programming, robotics, electronics and mechatronics, but also to contribute on teamwork and knowledge sharing with other participants, regardless of culture, age or result in the competition. All are expected to compete, learn, have fun and grow up. 这项比赛的参赛者必须全力以赴发挥自己在程序、机器人、电子和机械方面的能力,并且无论文化、年龄和比赛结果如何,必须在团队合作、分享知识方面做出贡献。希望每个人都能竞争、学习、快乐并且成长。 The changes determined by the Technical Committee for this year’s rules aimed to favor skills over brute force in the games, with safer conditions for both robots and humans. The rules better work out situations of aggressive robots that cause damage to IR balls, robots and fields; control unrealistic kicker force that cause damage to IR balls and referees; and reduce the excessive need for human intervention in a stress


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