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词汇准备 work towards a common objective 朝同一个目标共同努力 share information 共享信息 different point of view 不同的观点 (be) under pressure 有压力 toiletries 化妆品厂,清洁、化妆用品公司 major brand 主导品牌 sales department 销售部门 sales staff 销售人员 company culture 公司文化 expatriate 旅居海外的 management consultant 管理顾问 managerial skills 管理技能 creative thinking 创新技能 team building 团队建设 effective management style 有效的管理方式 a survival course 生存技巧培训课程 food and accommodation 食宿 profile 简介,小传,概况 simulation 模拟训练 marketing mania 营销激情 go for profit 追求利润 behind schedule 进度落后计划 stick to the schedule 严格按照计划进行 口语练习 What makes a good team? 1. the members work towards a common objective 2. they discuss roles and allocate them to team members 3. they co-operate fully with each other 4. they help individuals develop within the team 5. the members trust each other 6. everyone makes an equal contribution to the team 7. the members share information effectively within the team 8. they listen to different points of view 9. they talk openly and honestly within the team 10. when people are under pressure, others offer help. Do you work in a good team? Explain why/why not? 参考词汇和表达 co-operative 齐心协力的 have communication problems 交流有困难 attach importance to team building 重视团队建设 develop team work 开拓团队协作 an effective team 精锐的团队 a high-performance unit 高效的团队 exchange of views 交流看法 emphasize team spirit 强调团队精神 share the same value 具有相同的价值观 collective efforts 共同的努力 international communication 国际交流 official language 官方语言 language skills 语言技能 exceed 超越 over-estimate 过高地估计 manageable 便于管理 understate 轻描淡写 culture-specific 某一文化所特有的 work environment 工作环境 the business world 商界 seminar 研讨会 management 管理人员 follow-up evaluation 后续评估 supplier 供应商 department training budget 部门培训预算 deadline 最终期限 voice mail 语音信息 answering machine 录音电话 (英国英语用 answer phone) half-year sales report 半年度销售报告 complimentary ticket 免费赠送的票 native speaker 操本族语言的人 time schedule/ 时间安排表 Ericsson 全名为 Ericsson Telecommunications 瑞典爱立信电讯公司 Stockholm 斯德哥尔摩(瑞典首都) Helsinki 赫尔辛基 (芬兰首都) Scandinavian 斯堪


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