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It 句型翻译 难以置信,这次英语考试她竟然没有及格。 (believe) It is hard to believe he should have failed in the exam this time. 你想得真周到,到来这么多雨伞,否则我们都要被雨淋湿了。 (thoughtful) It’s thoughtful of you to bring us so many umbrellas, or we will be caught in the rain. 你明天开始工作方面吗? (convenient) Will it convenient to/ for you to start work tomorrow? 住在如此小的房子里真不方便啊! (inconvenient) How inconvenient it is to live in such a small house! 原定于明天召开的会议有可能推迟举行。 (likely) It is likely that the meeting to be held tomorrow will be put off. = The meeting to be held tomorrow is likely to be put off. 我认为我们有可能会赢得这场比赛的胜利。 (likely) I think it likely that we’ll win the game. 人们普遍认为,用脑越多,智力就越活跃。 (the more …, the more …) It is generally believed that the more our brains are used, the more active our intelligence will be. 据估计,上海20年后将在许多方面赶上像纽约这样的国际大都市。 (estimate) It is estimated that Shanghai will catch up with the international cities like New York in many ways in 20 years. 由于大雨,看来我们只能在山顶上过夜了。 (seem) It seems that we will have to stay overnight on the top of the mountain because of the heavy rain. 你是否正确,以后可见分晓。 (remain) It remains to be seen whether you are right. 这次会上做出的决定是否可行尚待证明。 (remain) It remains to be proved whether the decision made at the meeting will be practical. 当我下火车时,天碰巧在下雨。 (happen) When I got off the train, it happened to be raining. 病人昏倒时,旁边碰巧没人在。 (happen) It so happened that nobody else was around when the patient fainted. 我突然想到我们可以用计算机来做这项工作。 (occur) It suddenly occurred to me that we could use a computer to do the job. 我从没有想到过,她,一个新手,会被授予年度最佳歌手。 (occur) It never occurred to me / struck me that she, a green hand, was awarded the best singer of the year. 你有没有想到过它会反对你的建议? (occur) Did it occur to you that he should be opposed to / be objected / be against your suggestion? 汤姆每天花三小时做作业。 (take) It takes Tom 3 hours to do his homework everyday. 应该是你们勇敢解决困难的时候了。 (time) It is high time you solved the problems bravely. 不该由你告诉我怎么做我的工作。 (up to) It’s not up to you to tell me how to do my job. 现在,电脑已使我们在家里就能以低价买到满意的货物。 (


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