英语 课时知能评估6.doc

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英语 课时知能评估6

Ⅰ.单项填空 1.The young man acted strangely during the interview.He made a bad ________ on the employer. A.impression        B.expression C.experience D.opinion 解析:make a bad impression on sb.“给某人留下不好的印象”。 答案:A 2.I remember having met him at my brothers birthday party, but we ________ then. A.were not introduced B.did not introduce C.havent introduced D.hadnt been introduced 解析:根据时间状语then可知动作发生在过去,再根据we和introduce之间的被动关系可知A为正确答案。 答案:A 3.I had thought I was going to fail the driving test, but I eventually succeeded ________. A.after all B.first of all C.in all D.above all 解析:考查短语辨析。句意:我原以为我不能通过这次驾校考试,但是最后我毕竟还是通过了。after all “毕竟”;first of all “首先”;in all “总计,总的说来”;above all “首先,最为重要的是”。 答案:A 4.Production at the factory was ________ for as long as 10 hours because the electricity supply was cut off. A.disturbed B.bothered C.interrupted D.unloaded 解析:interrupt有“使(某活动)中断”之意。句意:因为电力供应中断,工厂的生产被中断长达十小时之久。 答案:C 5.She was unhappy because he didnt________her. A.say sorry B.apologise for C.make an apology to D.pardon 解析:make an apology to sb.=apologise to sb.向某人道歉。句意:她因为他没有向她道歉而闷闷不乐。 答案:C 6.Before Tom left home, his mother kept telling him to________his manners at the party. A.care B.mind C.observe D.notice 解析:mind “注意,留心”;observe “观察,意识到”;notice “注意到”。 答案:B 7.Tom,________yourself. Did you forget the school rules? A.behave B.believe C.perform D.conduct 解析:句意:汤姆,规矩点。你是不是忘了校规?behave “人的行为、举止和表现”,可与反身代词连用。conduct与behave在作“行为、举止”讲时同义,但conduct不能强调自我控制、约束。B、C两项明显不合题意。 答案:A 8.—Tom, it is high time you________preparing for the final exam.There are only two weeks left. —Thank you for reminding me. A.start B.will start C.would start D.started 解析:考查虚拟语气。it is high time后面的从句要用虚拟语气,谓语动词用过去式。句意:——Tom,你该为期末考试做准备了,只剩下两周的时间了。——谢谢你提醒我。 答案:D 9.I dont like the pattern of the trousers,________,the color doesnt suit me. A.However B.Instead C.Besides D.Another 解析:表示前后意义的递进关系时用besides “除此以外”。 答案:C 10.Later in this chapter cases will be introduced to readers______consumer


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