教学设计(李姝颖) help those in need 教学设计.doc

教学设计(李姝颖) help those in need 教学设计.doc

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教学设计(李姝颖) help those in need 教学设计

Helping Those In Need Reading ( Period 1) 的教学设计 教材分析 本课是沈阳版牛津英语八上第一单元的第一课时。本单元以“帮住有困难的人”为话题,以志愿服务为主线。主阅读篇章是由三位志愿者在假期参加志愿服务活动所撰写的汇报组成.本课的学习可以帮助学生对“志愿者”及“志愿服务活动”有一个初步了解,同时训练学生的阅读能力和技巧。本篇话题贯穿了整个单元教学,之后的听力,会话,写作和补充阅读都围绕这一话题展开。本课的设计立足于激发学生学习英语的热情,以培养学生学习英语的兴趣为出发点来组织教学。 学情分析 “志愿者服务活动”这一话题对于学生来说十分的熟悉。他们对于“2008年北京奥运会”的志愿者和我们“沈阳十二届全运会”的志愿者的优质服务还记忆有新,很容易激发学生的学习兴趣。 我所任教的班级处在城乡接轨的农村中学,学生的英语基础非常的薄弱,因此在阅读中进行分层次要求,并对学生加以鼓励引导,帮主他们完成阅读任务。 学习策略 分析 在教学中,教师发挥“导”的作用——组织和引导学生。通过制作运用多媒体课件,创设教学情境来调动各层次学生积极主动参与到教学中,引导学生运用“自主学习-小组合作学习-相互评价”的学习模式。最终使学生通过对阅读材料的略读,找读,理解大意,词义猜测,主要细节,图标信息等一系列的策略来完成阅读任务 教学目标 Knowledge and skills 1. To improve the Students’ ability of reading comprehension 2. Enable the Ss to gain some knowledge about “volunteer” and “voluntary activity” 3 To help Ss to learn the importance of helping others and ways of helping others. Process and methods 1 Skimming reading to get the general idea of the text. 2 Scanning reading to get the detailed information 3 Asking-and-answering to help students understand the report exactly 4 Individual, pair or group work and top discussions make every student work in class. Emotion And values 1 To arouse the Students’ awareness of helping others. 2 To promote them to form correct values 教学重难点 Main points 1 Help the students to get the main idea of the passage. 2 Get the students to know that they should care about those in need 3 According to the content to guess the words’ meaning Difficult points Have the students make an action plan (the things we could do to help our community) 教学用具 Computer, multimedia and textbook 教 学 过 程 Teaching Steps Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Designing intent Step 1 Lead--in 话题引入 (4-5minutes) 1 Greet the Ss happily 2 Play the Video clips T: Are you familiar with the man in the video? Do you like him? Why or Why not? Help students to express their ideas 1 Ss: “春晚”“扶不扶” “郝建”(possible answers)—reading 探究活动 (5—6 minutes) T:1Ca


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