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语气转承词 语气转承词是连系意念的字,有助于增加文章的连贯性。转承词以两种重要的方式来增加连贯性;首先,转承词有助于该段文字自身间的连贯性,这时转承词安置于句间,以使前一句与次一句的语意流畅。其次,转承词有助于段落间的连系,置于段首的转承词,将前段所讨论的意念顺畅地过场到次一段,做进一步的申论。 以下,就转承词的功能区分为十二种。学习者应记住不同转承词的功能,并就各大项中重要者熟背几个,将来段落写作时就可派上用场,以增加文章之流畅,以下是十二种转承词,分别用来表示: 一、解释( to explain ) 1. now现在;那么(表示转变话题、要求、安慰、警告、解释、惊异等,通常置于句首并加逗点) 2. in addition而且;此外 3. in this case在这种情况下 4. in fact其实;实际上 5. for this reason因为这个缘故 例句:1.Now, follow the directions carefully. 2.In addition, there are two museums in the city. 3.The problem, in this case, is hard to solve.   二、强调( to emphasize ) 1. certainly确实地 2. indeed确实地 3. surely确实地 4. above all尤其;最重要者 5. most important ( of all )最重要的是 例句:1.Certainly the vacation was fun. 2.Indeed, no man is an island.谚语:人不能离群索居。 3.Above all, avoid swimming alone in strange waters.(陌生的水域)   三、举例( to illustrate ) 1. for example例如 2. for instance例如 3. thus就这样 4. next其次;然后 5. namely那就是 6. that is那就是 7. in other words换言之 8. that is to say换言之;那就是说 9. in particular尤其;特别 10. particularly尤其 11. especially特别地;主要地 例句:1.A good speech, for example, should be as short as a skirt. 2.For instance, light travels faster than sound. 3.Next, think of the courses you want to take.   四、增加或附属( to add ) 1. in addition而且;此外 2. furthermore而且;更有甚者 3. also也;而且 4. moreover而且;更有甚者 5. again而且 6. and而且 7. besides而且 8.in addition to除...之外 9.whats more而且 例句:1.In addition, the tour stops in Tokyo. 2.furthermore, he is too old to do that. 3.Also, she asked for some money.   五、比较( to compare )尤其是相同性质的比较 1. like像 2. likewise同样地 3. in the same way同样地 4. similarly同样地 5. too也 6.equally important同样重要地 例句:1.Like Peter, Tom is a good swimmer. 2.In the same way, we look for a good doctor. 3.The car uses less fuel. Equally important, the car drives ninety miles per hour.   六、对比关系或相反的意思( to contrast ) 1. unlike不像 2. in contrast相反地 3. on the other hand另一方面 4. for another thing另一方面 5. on the contrary相反地 6. instead代替;更换;反而 7. but然而;但是 8. instead of代替;不...而 9. nevertheless然而 10. however然而 11. still然而 12. yet然而 13. after


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