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abs acos and asin assign atan atan2 band bnot bor break bxor catch ceil chr chrt comment continue cos cosh cumul deg deviation else elseif endfor endif endtry endwhile environment exit exp export_def fabs false find floor fmod for gen_tuple_const global H_MSG_FAIL H_MSG_FALSE H_MSG_TRUE H_MSG_VOID if ifelse insert int inverse is_number ldexp log log10 lsh max max2 mean median min min2 not number or ord ords pow rad rand real regexp_match regexp_replace regexp_select regexp_test remove repeat return round rsh select_rank sgn sin sinh sort sort_index split sqrt stop strchr strlen strrchr strrstr strstr subset sum tan tanh throw true try uniq until while xor
Tuple 为笛卡尔积Functionality HDevelop Operation HALCON operator Concatenation连接 [t1,t2] tuple_concat number of elements元素个数 |t| tuple_length select tuple element选择元素 t[i] tuple_select select tuple slice选择部分元素 t[i1:i2] tuple_select_range select elements选择元素 subset(t,i) tuple_select remove tuple elements清除元素 remove(t,i) tuple_remove lookup tuple values查找元素 find(t1,t2) tuple_find unify tuple elements去掉连续重复元素 uniq(t) tuple_uniq tuple creation创建数组 gen_tuple_const(i1,i2) tuple_gen_const Division除 a1 / a2 tuple_div Multiplication乘 a1 * a2 tuple_mult Modulo取模 a1 % a2 tuple_mod Addition加 a1 + a2 tuple_add Subtraction减 a1 - a2 tuple_sub Negation求负数 -a tuple_neg left shift左移 lsh(i1,i2) tuple_lsh right shift右移 rsh(i1,i2) tuple_rsh bitwise and按位与 i1 band i2 tuple_band bitwise xor按位异或 i1 bxor i2 tuple_bxor bitwise o按位或 i1 bor i2 tuple_bor bitwise complement按位求补
i + bnot i = -1 bnot i tuple_bnot string conversion转换字符串 v$s tuple_string string concatenation连接字符串 v1 + v2 tuple_concat search character搜索字符 strchr(s1,s2) tuple_strchr search character (reverse)向后搜索字符 strrchr(s1,s2) tuple_strrchr Search string搜索字符串 strst