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中文语法中文句式 Golden structure Subject + verb+objectSubject + when +where+ how + action TensesThere is no conjugation in Chinese verbs , normally we use verb+ the time in the past or future and some fixed structures below to express different tenses “了” after the verb or in the end of the sentences to express past tense “过。。。了” verb +过+object了 to express completion tense 正在/在 + verb to express be doing something , present continuous 马上/就要+verb to express something that is going to happen very soon会/要+verb to express something that might happen not in the very near future Yes or No question Use of “吗” or verb+not+verb to ask Are you XXX or not , do you XXX or not 你是学生吗? 你是不是学生?When the verb has 2 syllables, take the first character of the verb before “not”你喜欢我吗? 你喜不喜欢我? When there are 2 verbs in the sentence, take the main verb for the “verb+not+verb” structure你会游泳吗? 你会不会游泳?你喜欢吃水果吗? 你喜不喜欢吃水果?Content question Questions with what, who, which,when, where What ,who,which always come in the end of the sentence . When and where come before the action 你喜欢谁?(who) 你想吃什么(what)你什么时候去法国?(when)你在哪里上班?(where)Complement of result Use of “到” as suffixEg: 找到,看到,买到,拿到,得到,追到,听到,摸到Complement of direction use of “来” and “去”eg: 上来,下来,进来,进去,回来,回去,过来,过去,出来,出去,上去,下去use of “了”To express “extreme” ,use with “太”Eg: 太好了,人太多了,太晚了,太累了Past tense Eg: 我吃午饭了,我看过了了can be after the verb or end of the sentence Eg: 昨晚我去看电影了,今天中午我吃了法国菜Verb+ Duration of time , can use 2 了in the sentence Eg: 我在胡志明住了3年了 (仍住在胡志明) 我在胡志明住了3年 ( 现在不在胡志明住了) 我学中文4年了 (现在还在学中文) 我学了中文4年 (现在已经不学了)express something new in life Eg: 我谈恋爱了 我有男朋友了 我买房子了 我长胖了Express something that is going to happen soon ,most of the time comes with 就/就要/要Eg: 就要下雨了 马上就好了 我要出去了一下a little bit , used to soften the tongue when you ask someone to do stheg: 看一下,听一下,过来一下,尝一下,瞧一下,闻一下 单音节动词也可以在“一”后面重复该单词,或者直接重复动词表达同样的意思 看看,听听,尝尝,闻闻,瞧瞧 看一看,听一听,尝一尝,闻一闻,瞧一瞧one time 亲一下我,打一下我,摸一下我,抱一下我suddenly ,very soon ,normally used with “子” 天一下子就阴了 火车一下子就到了 她一下子子就哭了过to cross过街,过桥,过马路ove


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