高二英语导学案Reading 2 Sightseeing in London导学案.doc

高二英语导学案Reading 2 Sightseeing in London导学案.doc

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高二英语导学案Reading 2 Sightseeing in London导学案

高二英语导学案Reading 2 Sightseeing in London导学案 教师寄语:An idle youth, a needy age 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。 课题:Module 3 Unit 2 Healty eating 周次:第8 周 编号33 编者:高二英语备课组(张玉敏) 教材分:本单元以The United Kingdom为中心话题。通过学习,使学生了解英国的历史、地理、政治、文化、宗教、社会习俗及名胜古迹等有关知“SIGHTSEEING IN LONDON”,主要是让学生了解英国首都的名胜古迹,通过图片展示,使学生感受异国文化,增强学生的文化意识,培养学生跨文化理解能力. 让学生从这篇文章中学到制作计划的重要性,如学习,旅游计划. 复习回顾 Revision(复习): Descibe London using the given words.(用所给的词描述英国伦敦)。Capital , greatest historical treasure, museum, accient buildings...,center. 二. lead –in(导入新课): 三.Teaching aims(教学目标): 1).Knowledge aims(知识目标): help Ss to understand and master some important words and expressions. (帮助学生理解和掌握重点词汇和词组) b. Help the students know more about the buildings in London. (让学生了解有关伦敦的名胜古迹) 2).Ability aims(能力目标): a. Develop Ss’ability of reading and grasp different reading skills. (培养学生阅读理解以及掌握阅读技巧的能力) b. Train Ss to catch the key words or phrases in the reading. (培养学生抓住重点词汇的能力) 3).Emotional aims(情感目标): a. Enable the students to plan a tour around certain places. (教会学生学会制作学习,旅游计划) b. Develop students’ sense of group learning and teamwork.? (培养学生具有团队合作学习意识,及小组合作精神) 课前预习案 【自学导引】 Learning procedures:(学习过程探究;合作;展示 Fast Reading (略读): First,_____________________________________________________ Then,_____________________________________________________ step 2. 1) Ask the students to study the structure of the text “Sightseeing in London”. Show the following. 2) Make a comment (评论) on each place ? sites of London comments Day 1 1 ? 2 ? 3 ? 4 ? Day 2 ? ? Day 3 ? ? ? ? Step 3.(Careful Reading) introduce the ancient buildings (group work小组合作完成) The Tower of London It was built by the Norman _______ of AD 1066, and remained part of a ________ and prison__________. The Queen’s jewels are on shown inside the tower, _______ by special royal soldiers 2.Westminster Abbey It contained statues___________ dead poets and writers, such as Shakespeare. It is the place where the Queen or the King is ________.


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