The last monarch of the Tudor Dynasty—Elizabeth I 张光远13291018.docx

The last monarch of the Tudor Dynasty—Elizabeth I 张光远13291018.docx

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The last monarch of the Tudor Dynasty—Elizabeth I 张光远13291018

Zhang Guangyuan Class 2June 18, 2015The last monarch of the Tudor Dynasty—Elizabeth I Abstract The long reign of Elizabeth, who became known as the “Virgin Queen” for her reluctance to endanger her authority through marriage, coincided with the flowering of the English Renaissance, associated with such renowned authors as William Shakespeare. By her death in 1603, England had become a major world power in every respect, and Queen Elizabeth I passed into history as one of England’s greatest monarchs.Keywords: Elizabeth, Queen, Marriage, EnglandElizabeth I was the Queen of England and Ireland from November 17th 1558 until she died. Sometimes she was called The Virgin Queen. The childless Elizabeth was the fifth and last monarch of the Tudor Dynasty.Elizabeth was the daughter of Henry VIII with his second wife, Anne Boleyn, who was executed a half and two years after Elizabeths birth. Elizabeth’s parents got married by the Protestant religious, so the Catholic Church think that she is an illegitimate child. Anne Boleyn hoped that she would bear a strong and healthy son that Catherine of Aragon. But, on September 7th, 1533 in Greenwich Palace, Anne bore Elizabeth instead. Elizabeth was born was designated to the throne, her half-sister Mary (later Queen Mary I) become her servant. After her mother was executed, Elizabeths life was never to be quite the same again. She was probably too young to be greatly affected by her mothers sudden extinction. And her lifestyle changed significantly. Later, she was deprived the title of princess. Elizabeth was a very clever child. From an early age, she was taught Latin, Greek, Spanish, French, as well as all the other requirements of a classical humanist education, and was also taught history philosophy and mathematics. Although Elizabeth still had her own household, her tutor found that poor young childs needs were neglected. And Elizabeth`s tutor felt obliged to write to the king asking him to ensure that Elizabeth was p


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