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《大学英语》I课程期末考试 A卷 (2010—2011学年 第1学期) 本科■ 专科□ (考试时间120分钟) Part I Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (10%) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions. Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on 外语考试答题卡 with a single line through the centre. Do Animals Think? At times, your pet may appear to be deep in thought. But dont let that pose fool you. Animals often do things that may make you think theyre thinking. Thinking about thinking is tricky, because thinking isnt something you can see. It goes on inside the brain. We know when were doing it. But who can tell if an animal is thinking? Its not easy. For example, check out the animal actions below. Do they show that the animals are thinking—or not thinking? What do you think? A bird builds a nest that’s just right for its eggs and babies. An octopus uses its arms to open a jar with food inside. A lion sneaks around behind its prey and then chases it toward another lion that’s hiding and waiting. What is thinking? It may be easier to first explain what thinking isn’t. For example, it isn’t needed for things animals do automatically—like when a beaver dams a stream with sticks, mud, and grass. The beaver is making a pond, but it didn’t learn how to do that. It doesn’t think about doing it, either. Some animals just do what they do—kind of like robots—and they do it the same way every time. Scientists call this kind of behavior instinct. But what about when an animal does learn to do something? Is that thinking? For example, you can teach a dog to give you its paw and “shake hands”. But most scientists don’t believe that the dog is thinking when it learns such tricks. Thinking Tests For a long time, scientists didn’t study animal thinking. Most of them didn’t believe that animals could think. They thought humans were the only thinking animals.


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