学期论文 简析格列佛游记.doc

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学期论文 简析格列佛游记

某某学校 英 国 文 学 史 学 期 论 文 题目:《格列佛游记》简析 班级: 姓名: 学号: Brief Analysis of Gulliver’s Travels Introduction Jonathan Swift (1667-1745), Irish author and journalist, dean of St. Patrick’s Cathedral (Dublin) from 1713, the foremost prose satirist in English language. Swift is one of the great masters of English prose, His writing is simple, direct, precise prose. He defined a good style as proper words in proper places.” Swift became insane in his last years, but until his death he was known as Dublins foremost citizen. Swifts most famous works is Gullivers Travels (1726), where the stories of Gullivers experiences among dwarfs and giants are best known. Swift gave to these journeys an air of authenticity and realism and many contemporary readers believed them to be true. While Swift was writing Gullivers Travels in the 1720s, England was undergoing a lot of political shuffling. George I, a Hanoverian prince of Germany, had ascended the British throne in 1714 after the death of Queen Anne ended the Stuart line. Although he was not a bad or repressive king, he was unpopular. King George had gained his throne with the assistance of the Whig party, and his Whig ministers subsequently used their considerable gains in power to oppress members of the opposition Tory party. Swift had been a Tory since 1710. ‘Gulliver’s Travels ‘was first published in 1726, Gullivers Travels remains one of the most exciting fantasy adventures ever written. The Plot of the Gulliver’s Travels Swift makes Lempel Gulliver, a surgeon and a sea captain, recount his adventures. The first voyage is to Lilliput, where Gulliver is huge and the Lilliputians are small. The Lilliputians treat the ship-wrecked Captain Gulliver cruelly as if he were their enemy and prisoner. What impresses the captain most is their manner of choosing their high-ranking officials. People are evaluated and employed for government offices according to the results of a competition in a slender ro


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