小学英语阅读与训练 A grave for the pet.doc

小学英语阅读与训练 A grave for the pet.doc

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小学英语阅读与训练 A grave for the pet

A Grave for the Pet Mr. Black is in the garden. He is digging a hole. His English neighbour sees him. He is very surprised. He asks Mr. Black, “What are you doing there?” “My goldfish is dead,” replies Mr. Black very sadly. “And I am digging a grave for it.” The English neighbour is puzzled, “That hole is too big for a goldfish, isnt it?” Mr. Black stops digging and says to him, “That’s because its in your cat’s body.” New words and expressions: grave [greiv] n. 坟墓 dig [d?ɡ] v. 挖 dig a hole 挖洞 neighbour [ne?b?(r)] n. 邻居 surprised [s?(r)pra?zd] a. 惊奇的 goldfish [ɡ??ld.f??] n. 金鱼 dead [ded] a. 死亡的 reply [r?pla?] v. 回答 sadly [s?dli] adv. 伤心的 puzzled [p?z(?)ld] a. 困惑不解的 too [tu?] adv. 太 Exercise I 1. Choose the best answer to the following questions. 在a,b,c中选出一个最适合的答案。 A. Mr. Black is ____________. (a) in the garden (b) in the kitchen (c) in his car B. Mr. Black’s _______ is dead. (a) dog (b) cat (c) fish 2. Write T for True or F for false beside the statements. 在下列有关本故事的句子旁表上T(对)或F(不对)。 (a) Mr. Black is digging a hole in his yard. _____ (b) The hole is too big for Mr. Black’s goldfish. _____ 3. Complete the following sentences by putting in the missing words. 根据故事完成下列句子。 (a) The neighbour is _______ to see Mr. Black digging a hole. (b) Mr. Black is digging a _______ for his goldfish. 4. Retell the story with the help of the following words. 用方框里的词复述故事。 dig a hole in his garden → see him → reply very sadly → puzzled → stop digging and say to him Usage: 用法 反义疑问句(一) 本课中出现了这样一句句子:That hole is too big for a goldfish, isnt it? 这是一句反义疑问句,表示Mr. Black对自己的看法没有把握,需要对方证实。因此可以把isn’t it理解成“不是吗?” 反义疑问句即附加疑问句。它表示提问人没有把握,需要对方证实。 反义疑问句由两部分组成:前一部分是一个陈述句,后一部分是一个 简短的疑问句,两部分的人称时态应保持一致。 He is their teacher, isn’t he? The dishes are dirty, aren’t they? There is a rubber on the desk, isn’t there? Exercise II Fill in the blanks after the example: 根据例句把下列句子填写完整: Example: You are a pupil, aren’t you? 1. You are his mother, _________? 2. There is s


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