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Nov 8, 2010 Tonight on World News. Jobs and India. The president says hes recruiting business for America and that giant nation and we have a fact check. How many US jobs have already gone there to India tonight. Tapes and terror. Why is this man relaxed in his leather chair one of the most wanted man in the world? Crime and punishment. A jury decides a death penalty in a horrifying home invasion case and the anguished father who lost his family speaks to the country. Health and French fries. Fast food chains say theyre offering healthier meals for kids. Our hidden cameras show why parents have to be on alert. And capturing Camelot on the 50th anniversary of the day he was elected. Unpublished photos of the young JFK long ago. From ABC News headquarters, this is ABC World News with Diane Sawyer. Good evening. We begin the week with the subject of jobs and how American companies can gain a foothold in the red hot consumer giants of Asia. The president was 7,000 miles from the White House today in India. Almost 1.2 billion people there, four times more potential buyers than in the US for everything from American aircraft to computers. And ABCs Jake Tapper is traveling with the president and he reports the president was trying to make sure India is an ally that really delivers. Jake. Good evening, Diane. This has been the longest President Obama has ever been in any other country on an official visit, and for this nation, which the US only wants to see rise in power. This has been a triple of carrots and carrots. A state dinner in Indias presidential palace where President Obama and Indian Prime Minister Singh sung each others praises and toasted a new ear of partnership. For India, President Obama delivered a plum, backing the nations bid to be given a permanent seat on the powerful United Nations Security Council. I look forward to a reformed United Nations Security Council that includes India as a permanent member. The move is vehemently opposed by Ind


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