Causes and Social Supports to the Empty-nest Family 论文开题报告.doc

Causes and Social Supports to the Empty-nest Family 论文开题报告.doc

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Causes and Social Supports to the Empty-nest Family 论文开题报告

本科生毕业设计(论文)开题报告 题 目: Causes and Social Supports to the Empty-nest Family 学 院: 外国语学院 系: 英语语言文学 专 业: 英 语 班 级: 学 号: 姓 名: 指导教师: 填表日期: 2012 年 4 月 20 日 选题的依据及意义: The old is a social vulnerable group, especially for the empty-nest elderly. According to PC Glick’s theory of Life-cycle approach, empty-nest family is only one period of the family life cycle, referring to the situation that the elderly (childless, with deceased children or grown up children have left home ) live alone by themselves. This is a difficult phase, when people become weak to withstand risks with low income. Generally, their economic levels are always lower than the average life standard in the countryside. The empty-nest elders always live alone, and are lack of caring and long-term comfort. Most of them have some psychological problems and full of depression and the feeling of loss and being marginalized. In recent years the population aging situation is soaring upwardly rapidly. In 2010,the National Demographic Census Statistic shows the number of being older than 65 is 118.83million. more than 8 percent of the total population. In the 340million homes across the nation, at least 23.4million elders need social care. And the elders in rural area have 69.79percent. The well-being of the empty-nest elders arouses great attentation. And the study on empty-nest elderly has profound social significance. Empty-nest family and its pension problem wins great attention. Its study involves sociology, social security, cultural anthropology, demographic, gerontics, management, economics, statistics, history and many other disciplinary. These findings based on different views and provide numerous reference materials for the future research. But by accessing to different materials and documentation, the curr


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