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睡觉太多的坏处 YOURE AT HIGHER RISK OF HEART DISEASE. 你很有可能得心脏病。 If you snooze a ton, you lose...at least when it comes to heart health. Heart disease is already the number one cause of death in the US, and sleeping more than 8 hours a night increases your chances of dying from it by 34%. Women are more prone to sleeping longer than men, which puts them at the highest risk of developing heart problems. 如果你老是睡觉,那么你会有一些损失——至少心脏不会那么健康。在美国,心脏病已是人们死亡的头号杀手,晚上睡眠时间超过8小时,会导致因心脏病死亡的几率增加34%。女性的睡眠时间往往比男性更久,因此女性患心脏病的风险极高。 YOURE MORE LIKELY TO STRUGGLE WITH YOUR WEIGHT. 你更有可能与体重作斗争。 Many studies show that people who dont sleep enough tend to be heavier, but theres also a link between excess sleep and obesity. Though its not a simple case of cause and effect, says Irwin, theres definitely a connection. What we do know is that as people get more obese, theyre likely to be long sleepers, he says. And if youre a long sleeper, youre more likely to be obese. 许多研究表明睡眠不足的人往往会更重,但睡眠过多与肥胖之间也有一定的关系。这并不是简单的因果关系,Irwin说道,两者之间必有联系。“我们知道的一点就是,越胖的人很可能会睡的更久,”他说道。“如果你睡眠时间越久,那你就会越胖。” 睡觉太多的四大坏处.jpg One theory is that too much sleep translates to too little exercise. Long sleepers have shorter periods available when they can be active, says Redline. In other words, the more you sleep, the less you move—and the fewer calories you burn off. 有一个说法就是:睡眠过多等于锻炼太少。“睡眠时间长的人他们清醒活跃的时间也就更短,” Redline说道。换句话说,你睡的越多,动的就越少——燃烧的卡路里也越少。 YOU MAY DEVELOP DIABETES. 你可能会患上糖尿病。 Too much sleep can raise your blood sugar levels (as can skimping on sleep). Thats not the kind of sweet dreams you want: High blood glucose can increase your risk of getting type 2 diabetes.Again, being more sedentary—and overweight—is likely whats driving this risk factor, says Redline. 过多的睡眠会提升你的血糖水平(睡眠不足也会)。这并不是你想要的美梦:高血糖会增加你患2型糖尿病的风险。再次强调,坐的时间更久和过重可能是导致这一疾病的原因,Redline说道。 YOUR BRAIN GETS FUZZIER. 头脑有些糊涂 Cant concentrate? Blame your time between the sheets. Chronic long sleeping can age your brain by as much as 2 years and make it difficult to perform ev


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