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Speak Up With Confidence 文本

Speak Up With Confidence 充满自信地演讲 ANCHOR Jeff Valenti has been a Washington insider since the 1960s, learning the art of politics from one of its masters, Lyndon Johnso. As President of the Motion Picture Association of America since 1966, hes equally fluent in old-fashioned Hollywood showmanship. a skilled and polished orator, hes Hollywoods voice on Capital Hill, a regular in front of Congressional committees. In his book Speak Up With Confidence updated and re-released this week in paperback. He offers some advice on public speaking, And grades a few public speakers we know, from top CEOs to US Presidents. 主播 自20世纪60年代,师从权术大师林登·约翰逊的杰夫·华伦蒂就一直是华盛顿政界的圈内人。1966年至今,作为美国电影协会的主席,他也同样谙熟好莱坞惯用的作秀技巧。杰夫·华伦蒂是一位善于雄辩、技艺精湛的演讲家,是好莱坞在国会的代表,经常在国会委员会发言。他撰写的《充满自信地演讲》平装本经修订于本周再版。书中他对如何做公众演讲提出了一些建议,并对我们所熟知的几个公众演说家,包括高级CEO和美国总统进行了打分。 JEFF VALENTI The greatest President speaking, was Franklin Roosevelt. Any young kid, 20 years old, who watches Roosevelt on those newsreels or listened to his voice, will be mesmerized. Id give him an A plus. 杰夫·华伦蒂 美国总统中,最伟大的演讲家非富兰克林·罗斯福莫属。任何一位20岁的年轻人,从新闻纪录片中观看罗斯福或倾听他演讲时,无不为之倾倒。我给他A+。 Franklin Roosevelt Let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. 富兰克林·罗斯福 让我申明一下我坚定不移的信条:唯一能让我们感到恐惧的是恐惧本身。 JEFF VALENTI Of all the presidents since then, three that deserve A. One, was the first television president, and that was John Kennedy. Two, Ronald Regan. And three, in spite of all the criticisms you can throw, justly Bill Clinton. He was probably the greatest political campaigner Ive ever seen on television. 杰夫·华伦蒂 在罗斯福以后的历任总统中,有3位可以当之无愧地得A。第一位是首次出现在电视上的总统约翰·肯尼迪。第二位是罗纳德·里根。第三位是虽饱受批评、但公平地讲应得A的比尔·克林顿,他可能是我在电视上看到的最出色的竞选者。 CLITON If everybody thought that if they worked hard and played by the rules, they could get ahead. Im tired of seeing people that do that ground down and I want them to be lifted up. 克林顿 如果每个人都坚信只要他们勤奋努力并且按规则办事,就能够获得成功。我实在不愿再看到这类人栽跟头了,我希望他们受到鼓舞。 JEFF VALENTI Clinton, Reagan and Kennedy understood that if you can win t


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