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增译法在《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》英汉翻译中的应用 摘 要:关键词:法、《》、翻译 Alices Adventures in Wonderland Abstract:Alices Adventures in Wonderland is recognized as the most famous childrens literature classic fairy tales in the world, and its translation belongs to the translation of children’s literature works. Owing to the great differences between English and Chinese, it is difficult to translate every word or sentence accurately in the process of translation. Therefore, in order to express the meaning of original text precisely and make the article more fluently and lively, the translator used amplification, omission, inversion, negation and other translation skills. This article will mainly elaborate from the aspect of the application of amplification in the translation text. Key Words: Amplification; Alices Adventures in Wonderland; English-Chinese translation 引言 《‘How far have I fallen now?’ Alice said aloud to herself. ‘Perhaps I’m near the centre of the earth. Let me think… That’s four thousand miles down.’ [4]p4 往下掉呀,掉呀,掉呀。爱丽丝自言自语:“现在我掉下来了多深?也与我快到地球的中心了。让我想想,那是4000英里啊!”[5]p4 Down, down, down. Would she never stop falling? (4/p5) 掉呀,掉呀,掉呀。什么时候才能停下来呢? (5/p5) 2)She run back to the table for it, but of course, she was now much too small! There was the key, high above her, on the top of the table. She tried very hard to climb up the table leg, but she could not do it. 她跑回去拿,可是,她现在太小了!钥匙放得很高,在桌子上呢。她想爬上桌子腿,但爬不上去。 3)Every few minutes a plate crashed to the floor . There was also a large cat, which was sitting on a chair and grinning from ear to ear.(26/p3) 每隔几分钟就有一个盘子摔倒地上。椅子上坐着一只很大的猫,正咧着大嘴笑呢。(27/p3) 如上述所举的有关增加语气助词在《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》中的应用还有很多类似的例子。在汉语中,语气助词作为一个单独的词来说显得有些微不足道,但其在句中的应用却影响着整个句子的表达以及感情色彩的基调,占据着举足轻重的地位。而英语的语气助词在句中的应用没有汉语中的明显,因而翻译时需要译者根据文章所表达出来的意思适当添加语气助词才能更好地展现出原文的意思。如例句3中“正咧着大嘴笑呢”译者所增加的句末语气助词“呢”可谓是画龙点睛之笔,正因为这个语气助词的添加,才使得整句话的幽默气氛得以彰显,才使译文符合了整个原文所要表达的爱丽丝梦境奇异的效果,同时也很好地体现了儿童文学的特点。 (二)增加表达时态的词 英语时态是靠动词的词形变化或助词来体现的。汉语中的动词没有时态的变化,要表达时态就必须靠时态助词和一些表示时间的词。所以,在表达过去的概念时往往加上“曾”、“已经”、“过”、“了”等字眼,在表达进行时态时往往用“


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