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NEW EMPLOYE ONBOARDING CHECKLIST 新员工入职清单 The goal is to plan and prepare for the employee’s arrival so that the employee does not arrive to chaos, but to an organized prepared work place. This checklist is designed to assist with the department’s orientation process. Onboarding is a long-term process that begins before an employee’s start date and continues for at least six months. This Checklist is organized by responsible department to initiate each task at different timeline. It also helps hiring managers prepare for the arrival of new employees. Once an employee starts, he/she can work together with the hiring manager and an on boarding. 我们的目标是为新员工的到来做规划和准备,避免混乱,维持有序的工作环境。此清单有助于部门进行上岗引导程序。入职是一个长期的过程,从新员工到来开始并持续至少六个月。这份清单由相关部门在不同的时间点负责实施每一项任务。同时也有助于用人经理为新员工的到来做准备。员工到来后,他/她会与用人部门经理一起工作,进行入职流程。 Prior to First Day 入职前 HUMAN RESOURCES 人力资源 Print out New Employee Onboarding Checklist, review and customize 打印新员工入职清单,审核并定制 Complete two reference checks and collect documents (as per Pre-Employment Checklist) from new employee before making an official offer 确定了候选人,出Offer之前,依据检查清单,需完成至少两家公司以上背景调查, Send offer confirmation acceptance email to IT, HR, Hiring Manager, Admin and start date 给IT,HR,用人经理,行政,发送入职通知邮件,注明入职日期 Call the new employee to welcome him or her a few days before the start date. Remind him/her to bring completed paperwork and identification on the first day. If a foreigner, send the work permit application check list with all the necessary forms and procedures to complete. 在入职日期之前致电新员工欢迎他/她的加入。提醒他/她在入职第一天带齐纸质资料和证明。 如果是外籍员工,发送其办理就业许可证申请所需要的所有必要表格和手续清单。 Notify employee to do Medical Check Up 通知员工体检 Provide new employee with a contact in the event of a question or issue 提供给新员工联系方式以便有需要时联系。 Prepare on-boarding materials: 准备入职资料: Organization structure 组织架构 Job description (sent together with offer letter) 工作说明书(与录用通知书一起发送) New Hire Form 新雇员工报到表 Individual Form 个人资料表 Letter of Commitment – Code of Ethics (sent together with offer letter) 职业道德承诺书(与录用


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