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如何修改CET-4作文(I) 在多年的教学实践中,笔者发现很多学生一稿定乾坤。有些学生是根本没有养成修改作文的习惯,有些则是惰性使然,还有些学生是由于感觉自己写的作文太差而不愿再多看一眼。无论何种情况,写完作文后不加以修改会直接影响作文质量。那么应该怎样去修改CET-4作文呢?由于CET-4作文的评分标准涉及观点阐述、结构安排、语法正误、词汇使用这几方面,修改作文时也应该从这几个方面入手。 观点阐述 主旨明确,论证充分是判定一篇优秀作文的首要标准。论证过程中,观 点阐述应该注意以下方面: 1.论据与论点的一致性 有些学生作文在论证过程中所列举的论据与文章的论点本身存在不一致性,以至于论证不能令人信服。举例如下: 学生作文: Can Man Triumph Over Nature Over millions of years, when the human was made, they lived with nature. Or exactly speaking, we lived on the nature. But as the history going on, we came to destroy it. So there was a question was asked that can man triumph over nature? In my view, I will never agree with it. That is impossible. I think that there are lots of reasonable cases that human should live with the nature in harmony. First of all, the nature are just like our houses. We have lived in it for millions of years. Did you ever broke your house? Will you someday sleep outside the door? I don’t think so. Second, the nature is our mother. Just use your mind. If the nature doesn’t exist, will man come into being? Obviously, it is the nature that give us lives. Third, we should think about our later generations. If we broke the nature now, how will they live in the future? So that is my opinion. I think we should not triumph over nature. On the contrary, we should protect it carefully. 点评: 该文错误非常多。此处我们只涉及文章论证的问题。通读全文,尤其是主体(即第三个段落),可以发现,该部分的列举的这三个方面论证的观点是: Human beings should live in harmony with nature,与文章标题所要探讨的问题并不吻合。学生写的这篇文章探讨的是“人类要征服自然”这一行为是否合理,而作文本身要求学生讨论的是“人类要征服自然”这一行为是否可能。很显然,合理性并不等于可能性。 修改后作文: Can Man Triumph Over Nature Long long ago, when we human beings were created, we co-existed with nature peacefully. But as time goes on, we began to destroy it. Here then comes the question: Can man triumph over nature? Definitely not. Nature is our mother. We live on nature. We are nurtured by nature. It is nature who gives us whatever we needs, including air, wa


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