8上 Unit 8 复习卷.doc

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8上 Unit 8 复习卷

8A Unit8 Revision A 班级__________姓名__________ 一、词汇。 A.根据句意和汉语提示,完成单词拼写。 1. He ___________(摇动) the bottle before he took the medicine. 2. When the police arrived, the crowd rushed away in all_____________(方向). 3. They were ____________(陷入困境) in the burning house. 4. Our geography teacher asked, “which comes first, ________(闪电) or________(雷声)? 5. You must _____________(镇定) down first when you find you are in danger. 6. A car ______________(撞) into a tree last night. 7. There are many trees in the _____________(村庄). 8. The _______________(地震) in Ya’an killed many people. 9. He kept ___________(沉默) when we asked him some questions. 10.These days the workers are busy using ________(砖块) to build the houses. 11. What a foggy morning! There may be car ___________(事故). 12. There are many _____________(灾难) in the world. B.根据句意,用所给单词的正确形式填空。 1. Did you __________(real) enjoy yourself at the party? 2. ____________(sudden), a strong wind came from behind. 3. It’s _____________ news. We are very ______________(excite). 4. After that, some ____________(piece) of glass fell down. 5. She asked ____________(her), “Did I survive?” 6. ____________(luck), I didn’t hurt in the snowstorm. 7. Timmy fell ___________(sleep) when it started to rain. 8. Nowadays people like to go to the country to enjoy the _____(nature) beauty. 9. Yesterday two ___________(coach) crashed into the tress. 10. The flood made _____________(thousand) of people lose their houses. C. 动词填空 1. When I arrived home yesterday, it began ___________(rain). 2. Listen! Can you hear the boy ____________(scream)?A 3. I am sure if Mr. Wang ____________(come) tomorrow. 4. Look at Eddie! He ______________(mop) the floor. 5. I tried my best _____________(find) my way out but failed. 6. I ________ (hear) about the fire at a school in the UK last week. 7. Grandma always ____________(shake) Jim before he went to bed. 8. The school football team __________ (lose) the final last Saturday. 9. It ____________(rain) outside now, so y


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