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七年级英语期末专项训练一 一、用词的适当形式填空: 1. We enjoyed _____ (oneself) yesterday evening. 2. When we got there. We saw them _____ (wait) for us in a shop. 3. You’d better _____ (clean) the classroom at once. 4. You’d better not _____ (speak) English here. 5. He plans _____ (travel) to Beijing this week. 6. If it ___(rain) a lot, You need ____(take) an umbrella. 7. It’s the best time _____ (travel) around the cities. 8. Please remember _____ (take) her some beaatiful _____(leave). 9. The weather _____ (get) warm now. Everything ____(begin) to come back to life. 10. It was rainning _____(heavy) last night. I didn’t go out because of the _____(heavy) rain. 11. Look at the_____light. It shines_____.(bright) 12.It blew_____last night, after the_____wind, many leaves fell down.(strong) 13.Please be_____with the knife. I’ll do the work_____.(careful) 14.Yesterday it was_____, it_____heavily.(rain) 15.It will be_____(snow) tomorrow, there is a heavy_____. 16.It’s_____ _____outside.(雨下得大) 17.He learnt_____(play) the piano last year. 18.They are busy_____(prepare) the exam. 19.I wish_____(go) to Beijing someday. 20.I’d like_____(visit) some places of _____.(interesting) 21.This is an_____book.I’m_____in it.(interest) 22 Each of us_____a good plan for the holidays.(have) 23.The story sound_____.(interest) 24.Different_____(country) have different_____(custom) 25.You should take off your shoes before_____(enter) my house. 26.Last week, I got sone_____(greet) from my friends. 27.I often learn English by_____(watch) the English programmes. 28.Please give my best_____(wish) to your parents. 29.He often watches his school team_____(play)against to others. 30.It’s a good season for_____(climb) hills. 31.It’s good for him_____(study) English. 32.It’s important for us_____(speak) English well. 33.It’s hard_____(say). 34.It’s a good place_____(spend度过) your holiday. 35.How_____(be) the weather yesterday?It was_____(cloud) 3


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