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* h9 Y* I/ v) H% P9 I* B五级有关节日What do you often do in Spring Festival?% i% Z, o( e8 _ Where did you go last Spring Festival? P4 t. M+ P+ K6 }7 \) iWhich festival do you like?8 |5 h; ]3 t# `: |. w% z What kinds of legal holidays and festivals are there in China? / |5 ^7 Z8 J# O4 p1 TWhich festival is important for the Chinese people?; N! ~* c0 [/ D V How do Chinese people celebrate their National Day? What ceremonies are involved? ^5 Y x! O- h5 z+ q??o Is the Spring Festival today celebrated in the same way as when you were a child?/ O! Y6 ~. p9 G: @2 v3 v, M What’s the difference between Christmas and Chinese Spring Festival?学而思教育社区0 g# D- w6 j* r0 r5 ?# W Do you think national celebrations are important? Why or why not? 7 P) m( c0 n8 K7 n; Z k2 g4 D/ i学而思教育社区有关交通: T5 ^8 ^6 P+ y$ _4 O- ~ What is your favorite way of transportation?. `- r. L2 c+ R! N, B7 T5 i x, d% V What is your feeling when you travel by it?3 W8 b6 g% P% w: l6 f What are the advantages of it?) c. e( \+ l: F# t What are the disadvantages of it? ) S??l4 y. Q0 q3 P3 ^学而思教育社区Why do you like this way of transportation?4 k7 I6 o( j- R$ q??H) r Tell me something about your car(小心考官这么问),可以反问:What do you want to know about my car? % O8 d; e8 Z s5 T4 d w) G. dWhat do you think of the transportation system in your country?5 m6 r+ l+ Y# W Can you imagine what transportation will be like in the future? 6 O) i2 o) y- J8 X L; L1 n2 NWhat kind of transportation do the people usually take in your city? # R5 k??W??X5 S+ {# M! J7 How do you go to work or school every day? 2 `7 D1 l( ^??N* |Do you often take taxis? What is the benefit of taxi services?学而思教育社区; H% O/ w1 p+ K# | What do you usually do when taking a train or a bus? 4 | I7 l. A. @ s7 \, W/ C+ GCan you drive a car? Why do you think are cars becoming more and more popular these days? z F??[3 Z1 t, Z$ Is parking a problem in Beijing?. H( Q) R6 l/ ?1 g What’s the problem with Beijing’s traffic jam?4 J! Q. X C4 {. ] Do you think how the traffic problems can


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