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2 School rules Teaching objectives: 1. to talk and write about school rules, such as library rules, cafeteria rules, classroom rules, etc. 2. to use the modal verbs: can, may, must, neednt 3. to know how to express obligation; to ask for and give permission; to apologize Period One: Topics: School rules ( 5 minutes) Language highlights: You can/ may You must You mustnt. Must I ..;? No, you neednt. Functions: Expressing obligation Ask for and giving permission Apologizing Tuning in (10 minutes) 1. What must you do before the first class in the morning? 2. When do you hand in your homework? Can you hand it in late? 3. When can you leave school for home? 4. What mustnt you do in the reading room? 5. What must you do in English Classes? Picture talking and Role play: Talking about the picture on P. 47 and ask the students to talk about them and match the sentences with the pictures. Pay attention to the modal verbs ( 7 minutes) Students mustnt eat or drink in class. They can eat and drink after class. You must keep quiet in the reading room. We cant talk with each other here. We must get to school on time. You must speak English in an English class. A: Must I hand in my homework now? B: No, you neednt. But you must hand it in tomorrow. A: May I leave school at three? B: No, you cant. School is over at four. Listen to the text(twice) and explain the text ( 10 minutes ) Mrs Green is a new English teacher. Now she is teaching Class One, Junior One at Shanghai International School. Wang Lei is late for class. Mrs Green: Is everyone here? Boy A: No, Wang Lei is absent. Mrs Green: Is he ill? Girl: I dont think so. Maybe he is late. Mrs Green: Is he often late? Boy B: No, he always comes to school on time. (Wang Lei comes in.) Wang Lei: Im sorry Im late, Mrs Green. Mrs Green: Thats all right. Go to your seat. But dont be late again. You must observe school rules. Wang Lei: Yes, I will. 3. New words in Part I . (8 minutes) 4. Comprehension Check: ( 5 minutes)


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