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25 5 Vol. 25, No. 5 2005 10 EARTHQUAKE ENG INEERING AND ENG INEER ING VIBRATION Oct. 2005 : 10001 01( 2005) 宗周红, 任伟新, 郑振飞 ( , 50002) : , , , , , , 2 , , : ; ; ; : TU 11 : A Loadcarrying capacity assessm en t m ethod s of existing bridges Zong Zhouhong, RenW eixin, Zheng Zhenfei ( College ofC ivil Engineering and Architectures, FuzhouU niversity, Fuzhou 50002, China) Abs tract: The loadcarrying capacity assessm ent of existing bridges is associated w ith the bridge cond ition evalua tion, m aintenance, management, repairing and strengthening. It has become of increasing mi portance for both bridge design engineers and construction ow ners. In this paper, the d ifferences bewt een the design and assessment of bridges are addressed and the assessm ent methods in the specifications of China and America are compared. F irst, the staticsbased assessment m ethods are discussed. Then, a dynam icbased assessment procedure is pro posed, wh ich involves both field amb ient vibration testing and finite element analysis and updating. Two typ ical ex isting bridges are used as the case stud ies to smi u late the process of evaluation. F inally, further research needs in the loadcarrying capacity assessment of existing bridges are presented. K ey w ord s: existing bridges; loadcarrying capacity; dynam icbased evaluation; staticbased evaluation. [ 1~ ] ( FHWA ) 1989 : 578, 000 41% , 1 0, 000 , 5, 000 , 150~ 200, 900 1998, 210 822, 4 105, , : ( 1) ; ( 2) 80, ; ( ) (); ( 4) : 2005- 01- 06; : 2005- 04- 10 : ( 200 H027) : ( 1966- ), , , , . 148


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