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第33卷第1期 矿  冶  工  程 Vol.33 №1 2013年02月 MININGAND METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING February2013 时效及变质处理下高锰钢析出相的演变行为和性能① 李  良,雷  勇,许晓嫦,张  奇 (中南大学 材料科学与工程学院,湖南 长沙410083) 摘  要:采用金相、SEM和EDS分析方法,研究了时效及变质处理后高锰钢的析出相演变行为及性能。 研究表明:随着时效温度的 升高,析出相由粒状转变为针状,在580 ℃时效1h时,组织上出现了珠光体转变。 时效时间延长到2 h后,460 ℃时效粒状析出相 转变为针状,并且也发生了珠光体转变。 520 ℃和580 ℃时效2 h和时效1h 的组织相同。 通过EDS研究表明,粒状析出相为亚稳 相,针状析出相为稳定相。 520 ℃时效1h时,冲击断口有大量韧窝,磨损量最少,磨损形貌基本没有剥落。 关键词:高锰钢;时效处理;显微组织;变质剂;析出相 中图分类号:TG156.92 文献标识码:A doi:10.3969/ j.issn.0253⁃6099.2013.01.026 文章编号:0253-6099(2013)01-0106-03 Evolution and Properties of Precipitated Phase of High Manganese Steel with Aging and Modification Treatment LI Liang,LEI Yong,XU Xiao⁃chang,ZHANG Qi (School of Materials Science and Engineering,Central South University,Changsha410083,Hunan,China) Abstract:The evolution and properties of precipitated phase of high manganese steel with aging and modification treat⁃ ment were studied by means of metallographic analysis,SEM and EDS. The result showsthat with an increase in aging temperature,needle⁃likeprecipitatedphaseswerechangedtobegranular. After 1hour agingtreatment at580 ℃,there was pearlite on the texture. When the aging time increased to 2 hours,at 460 ℃,the needle⁃like precipitated phases were also changed to be granular and there was pearlite in the matrix. After comparison, it is found that the microstructure after 1hour of agingtreatment at atemperature of520 ℃ and580 ℃ arethe samewith that after2 hours of ageing. TheEDSstudy indicatedthat granularprecipitatedphasesaremetastable,whileneedle⁃likeprecipitatedphases are stable. A large number of dimples can be observed in the impacted fracture with little abrasion loss after 1 h aging treatment at520 ℃. Key words:high manga


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