IELTS 口语必备高频话题汇总.doc

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IELTS 口语必备高频话题汇总

IELTS口语必备高频话题汇总 Music无忧雅思网 F(G3P6QlI9L 1. B4db+D%KK-z ?0Do you like music? What type of music do you like?无忧雅思网m1N`GZ$h%} 2. Have you learned to play any musical instrument? 3. What kind of music is popular now in China? 4. h|7]s~0How does music affect people’s lives?无忧雅思网1z9y\ H5P Az b-K)D5J 5. )a1Y6K,^?b0What kind of music do young people like? What kind do old people like? 1. B4db+D%KK-z ?0Do you like music? What type of music do you like?无忧雅思网m1N`GZ$h%} 无忧雅思网oH2rJ w4MM@6} _Well, I am not really into music. But sometimes I do like listening to religious music, I mean, Christian music. Christian music is always about singing praises to God and reminding people of their responsibility to live a pure and holy life. It is music that purifies life. It helps me a lot. Whenever I’m listening, I feel like being lifted up to heaven and drawn close to God. It gives peace to my mind and joy to my soul. n,l^-v|3HR2@0无忧雅思网6sp1yq/{(q本题问的是音乐的种类,考生地回答一般应该是pop,rock,jazz,folk,country,classical,rap,heavy metal,instrumental等音乐类别。但是,考生也可以突破传统思维(think out of the box),谈一些其他的类别,如宗教音乐等。回答的内容也可以结合听音乐时的感受。 .R~)m)qn p0无忧雅思网 ^3lf4b1~2. Have you learned to play any musical instrument? WrM$a W8vDmh.Z0无忧雅思网 k1Q:Z8E3aS0fM`%GYes, I can play guitar, not very well though. I started learning guitar two years ago. The primary initiative was to entertain my girlfriend, though she left me for another person soon after I started. It’s heart-breaking, but I didn’t stop, because I needed something to hang on to, a goal. I’m happy now and I’ll keep on playing my guitar, whoever I may play to. 3Z+f oM,MY0无忧雅思网?9\YKg0A3R I’m afraid, no, though I always wanted to learn to play one, because I always thought it is cool to be able to play a musical instrument, whatever it maybe: guitar, piano, or even drums. uCp8O5x0无忧雅思网.lovz#s PW即使考生不会弹任何乐器,也可以讲自己希望学会某一种乐器,并且能够上台表演。考生可以描述这个乐器,或者谈学习这个乐器的时间长短,以及为什么学习这个乐器的原因等等。常见的乐器有:violin, guitar, piano, flute, drums, keyboard, bass


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