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Passage 1 Marlene Castro knew the tall blond woman only as Laurene, her mentor. They met every few weeks in a rough Silicon Valley neighborhood the year that Castro was applying to college, and they emailed often, bonding over conversations about Castros difficult childhood. Without Laurenes help, Castro said, she might not have become the first person in her family to attend college. It was only later, when she was a freshman at University of California, Berkeley, that Castro read a news article and realized that Laurene was Silicon Valley royalty, the wife of Apples co-founder, Steve Jobs. I just became 10 times more appreciative of her humility and how humble she was in working with us in East Palo Alto, Castro said. The story, friends and colleagues say, is classic Laurene Powell Jobs. Famous because of her last name and fortune, she has always been private and publicity-averse. Her philanthropic work, especially on education causes such as College Track, the college prep organization she helped found and through which she was Castros mentor, has been her priority and focus. Now, less than two years after Jobs death, Powell Jobs is becoming somewhat less private. She has tiptoed into the public sphere, pushing her agenda in education as well as global conservation, nutrition and immigration policy. Last month, for example, she sat down for a rare television interview, discussing the immigration bill before Congress. She has also taken on new issues such as gun control. Shes been mourning for a year and was grieving for five years before that, said Larry Brilliant, an old friend of Jobs. Her life was about her family and Steve, but she is now emerging as a potent force on the world stage, and this is only the beginning. She is doing it her way, though. Its not about getting any public recognition for her giving; its to help touch and transform individual lives, said Laura -Andreessen, a philanthropist and lecturer on philanthropy at Stanford who has been close fr


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