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by Karavasilis V. Christos June, 2003 ? ?? The Variable Section Sweep is a very powerful and advanced Pro/E feature. Without some basic understanding and experience, it is sometimes difficult to use. This article presents seven examples of surfaces using variable section sweeps. We will explore the three Variable Section Sweep options by showing examples of each. The three options are NrmToOriginTraj, Norm to Origin, and Pivot Dir. We will also show you how to use a relation with the parameter trajpar in a variable section sweep. ? This article is divided into 7 sections. Click a link below to get started! Table of Contents Cover Creating Surfaces with Variable Section Sweeps 1 NrmToOriginTraj 2 The Rounded Corner 3 The Effects of Trajectory Lengths 4 Norm to Traj 5 Pivot Dir 6 Trajpar Relation 7 The Wavy Washer Example 1 - NrmToOriginTraj Suppose we have to make a cut as shown to the following picture : We will use VarSecSweep option to archive this cut. First create a solid protrusion as shown below: We need now to create two curves that would drive the VarSecSweep surface. If you study carefully the above part you can understand what kind of curves they are. Create two curves as shown below. Now create a VarSecSweep surface. Choose the NrmToOrignTraj option. The profile will be swept normal to the origin trajectory. I will use this option to sweep the section along the origin trajectory with a constant normal trajectory. The origin trajectory curve defines a perpedicular for the section as it sweeps along the trajectory. Note Origin Trajectory :one spline trajectory is necessary in every variable section sweep X – Trajectory : Define the section’s horizontal vector. In the sketcher, the origin of the section (indicated by the two centerlines) is always located in the origin trajectory with the X – trajectory always located in the positive x direction Other trajectories : defines other trajectories to control the shape of the surface feature { No



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