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?一个非常优秀的BP神经网络源程序 % Construct the network object net = network; % Specify the input and layer size net.numInputs = 1; net.numLayers = 3; % Set connections among all parts net.biasConnect = [1; 1; 1]; net.inputConnect = [1; 1; 0]; net.layerConnect = [0 0 0; %(1, j): connect to layer 1 from layer j 1 0 0; %(2, j): connect to layer 2 from layer j 0 1 0]; %(3, j): connect to layer 3 from layer j net.outputConnect = [0 0 1]; net.targetConnect = [0 0 1]; % Set input range net.inputs{1}.range = [-2 2; -1 1; -2 2; -1 1; -1 1]; % Set neural number for layer 1 net.layers{1}.size = 4; %8, 10, 15 % Set transfer functions for layer 1 net.layers{1}.transferFcn = purelin; % Set initial function for layer 2 net.layers{1}.initFcn = initnw; % Set neural number for layer 2 net.layers{2}.size = 3; %4, 10, 15 % Set transfer functions for layer 2 net.layers{2}.transferFcn = tansig; % Set initial function for layer 2 net.layers{2}.initFcn = initnw; % Set neural number for layer 3 net.layers{3}.size = 1; % Set transfer functions for layer 3 net.layers{3}.transferFcn = purelin; % Set initial function for layer 3 net.layers{3}.initFcn = initnw; % Set input weight delays for layer 1 net.inputWeights{1,1}.delays = [0 1 2 3 5 7 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 80]; %from input 1 to layer 1 net.inputWeights{2,1}.delays = [0 1 2 7 10 30]; %from input 1 to layer 2 net.initFcn = initlay; net.performFcn = mse; % Choose the train method net.adaptFcn = trainlm; % Initialize the optimized parameters in net works net = init(net); % Set data file: Loading orignal data fNameIn1=testFileName; fileName1 = fullfile(C:, stockeys, stockDatabase, NYStock60, fNameIn1{ii}); fid = fopen(fileName1); data = fscanf(fid,%d, %d, %g, %g, %g, %g, %g,[7 inf]); data=data; fclose(fid); date=data(:,1); time=data(:,2); openp=data(:,3); highp=data(:,4); lowp=data(:,5); closep=data(:,6); volume=data(:,7); endLine_wholwFile=size(time); file_Length=endLine_wholwFile; % Set input da



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