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Einstein’s wives and lovers Jia Lifang In people’s eyes: Albert Einstein : a great scientist , a genius , full of inspiration , holy , gentle man , …… How many wives did Einstein have? How was their relationship? If Einstein had lovers? If he did , who were they? …… The other side… First wife, Mileva Maric(1) A Serb born in a region of Hungary Lovely , modest ,shy Study at the Polytechnic in Zurich The only female majorring in physics First wife, Mileva Maric(2) The meeting: while study together at the Federal Technical Institute In Zurich. First wife, Mileva Maric(3) The romance: ♣ Their romance is well-documented in letters they wrote to each other between 1897 and 1903. ♣ In these letters , they wrote to each other about their love. These letters was kept by Einstein’s stepdaughter , who was the child of his second wife. They were made public in 1987,20 years later after the daughter’s death. First wife, Mileva Maric(4) Starting a family: ♠ In the winter of 1902, Mileva gave birth to a girl, Lieserl. ♠ On January 6, 1903, Einstein and Mileva got married in Bern. ♠ In 1904,Mileva gave birth to their first son, Hans Albert. ♠ On July 28, 1910, Einstein and Milevas second son, Eduard. First wife, Mileva Maric(5) Truggling with depressing : ♠ Einstein was interested in his work , paying little attention to Mileva or to his son. ♠ Einstein lost his work. Mileva became depressed. ♠ In 1914, Einstein accepted an offer from the University of Berlin and moved his family there.While Mileva hated Berlin. First wife, Mileva Maric(6) Heading toward divorce: ♦ Einstein started seeing Elsa often, and that was the beginning



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