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系 统 仿 真 学 报? Journal of System Simulation 第 21 卷第 20 期 2009 年 10 月 Vol. 21 No. 20 Oct., 2009 具备触觉反馈的实时绳子打结仿真 贾世宇,潘振宽 (青岛大学信息工程学院,青岛 266071) 摘 要:实现了实时绳子打结仿真。绳子使用刚性杆模型和 FTL(Follow the Leader)变形算法。碰 撞处理算法将刚性杆当作圆柱体,使用 AABB 层次结构提高碰撞检测效率,可以处理绳子的自碰 撞和绳子与其它刚体的碰撞,并通过设置临时接触约束实现等效摩擦力。通过碰撞簇的识别检测 结的形成并在 FTL 算法中将结作为一个整体处理,确保结形成后可以在空间自由运动。图形绘制 算法对刚性杆进行曲线插值以产生光滑的绳子效果。用户通过触觉反馈设备控制绳子的运动。反馈 力根据绳子的张力和约束条件计算,并使用时间域上取平均的方法消除反馈力抖动现象。最后给 出仿真程序的运行效果。 关键词:绳子模型;打结;实时仿真;可变形体;自碰撞;触觉反馈 中图分类号:TP391.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004-731X (2009) 20-6519-05 Real-time Knot Tying Simulation of Ropes with Haptics JIA Shi-yu, PAN Zhen-kuan (College of Information Engineering, Qingdao University, Qingdao 266071, China) Abstract: Real-time knot tying simulation of rope was implemented. The rope was modeled as a series of rigid links and FTL (Follow the Leader) algorithm was used for its deformation. To process self collision of the rope and collision between rope and other rigid objects, the rigid links were treated as cylinders and AABB bounding volume hierarchy was constructed and used to accelerate collision detection. Temporary contact constraints were set for collided rope parts to produce the effect of friction. Collision cluster detection was used to detect knot formation. Once detected, each knot was treated as a whole in FTL algorithm to enable it to move freely with the rest of the rope. To give the rope smooth appearance, the rigid links were interpolated using spline curves during graphics rendering. The user could control the rope by grabbing and moving part of the rope using haptic device. Feedback force was calculated according to tension in the rope and constraints applied to the rope. The feedback force was then averaged in the time domain to eliminate trembling. Finally the results of the simulation were given and discussed. Key words: Rope Model; Knot Tying; Real-Time Simulation; Deformable Object; Self-Collision; Haptics 帆船比赛和登山运动中有着重要的用途。 Kühnapfel 等在 2000 年[1]开发出一个基于 KISMET 仿真 软件的内窥镜手术训练系统。该系统使用


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