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Advances in Social Sciences 社会科学前沿, 2015, 4(4), 218-224
Published Online December 2015 in Hans. /journal/ass
The Relationship between Sex-Role and
Social Adaption of College Students
Ke Shen, Hong Chen*
Department of Psychology, Southwest University, Chongqing
st th rd
Received: Nov. 1 , 2015; accepted: Nov. 20 , 2015; published: Nov. 23 , 2015
Copyright © 2015 by authors and Hans Publishers Inc.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).
In western culture, three theories regarding the utility of sex-roles have been proposed: the con-
gruency model, the androgyny model, and the masculinity model. The congruency model posits
that masculinity facilitates males’ mental health but not females’, while femininity facilitates fe-
males’ well-being but not males’. Androgyny model states that people with high levels of both
masculinity and femininity enjoy the highest level of well-being independent of their gender.
Masculinity model holds that masculinity is the dominant factor that promotes ones’ psychological
well-being. This study used Students’ Sex Role Inventory (CSRI-50) and College Students Adapta-
bility Scale (CSAI) to investigate, random sample of 188 subjects from local universities, to explore
the applicability of three models in college students. The results showed that the masculinity model
is most appropriate in explaining the relation of sex-role to social adaptation in college students.
College Students, Sex Role, Social Adaption
申 可,陈 红*
收稿日期:2015年11月1 日;录用日期:2
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