常年法律顾问合同(中英文 ).docx

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常年法律顾问合同(中英文 )

常年法律顾问合同Long-term legal counseling Agreement 甲方: (下称甲方)上海咨询有限公司 Party A: . (Hereinafter referred to as “Party A”) 地 址:  Address: 联系人Contact person:联系方式Contact number: 乙方:上海正地律师事务所(下称乙方) Party B: Shanghai Zheng Di Law Firm (Hereinafter referred to as “Party B”) 地 址:上海市澳门路736弄1号6楼 Address: 6F.No.1,Lane 736,Aomen Road,shanghai联系电话Contact number:fax) 本合约由上列甲乙双方于中华人民共和国上海市订立。 This Agreement is made and entered into by and between the two parties in Shanghai, the people’s republic of China 鉴于甲方决定聘用乙方为其常年法律顾问,甲乙双方经友好、充分之协商,就聘请合约的条款及内容达成如下协议:Whereas Party A decides to retain Party B as its long-term legal counsel, the parties agreed the following terms and conditions after friendly and thorough negotiation. 第一条 聘用与期间 Article 1 Retaining and service period 1.1 甲方聘请乙方作为常年法律顾问, 聘用期间为壹年,从 2016年1月1日至2016 年12月31 日;  Party A retains Party B as its long-term legal counsel, the service period is one year, from 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016.1.2乙方指定 、 作为主要联系人,负责跟进和处理甲方法律顾问事宜。Party B assigns lawyer , as major coor dinators, they will be responsible for following law consulting affairs of Party A.第二条 服务内容及费用Article 2 Service content and service fees 2.1 本合约期(一年)的法律顾问费共人民币 万元整,包括如下内容:The legal counseling price of the agreement (One year) is RMB Yuan, the service content is as follows:  a) 法律咨询:解答法律疑问,提供法律建议,出具法律意见; Legal consult: Answer legal questions, give legal suggestions, and give legal opinions. b) 合同审查:起草审阅合同,提出修改意见,规范合同管理; Review contract: draft and review contract, give amending suggestions, standardize contract management. c) 参与决策:参与客户决策,提供法律依据,防范法律风险; Participate decision: participate decision of the client, provide legal basis, and keep away legal risks. d) 发函交涉:发出律师信函,代表甲方交涉,催促相关事宜; Give letter to communicate: give lawyer’s letter, represent the client to deal with, press related issues. e) 公开声明:受权发表声明,陈述甲方立场,澄清事实真相; Public declaration: publish authorized declaration, states the opinion of Party A, clarify the facts. f) 内部培训:修改规章制度,举办法律讲座,培训客户员工;


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