2014届高三人教版英语一轮复习精品教学案 选修6Unit1 Art( 2013高考).doc

2014届高三人教版英语一轮复习精品教学案 选修6Unit1 Art( 2013高考).doc

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2014届高三人教版英语一轮复习精品教学案 选修6Unit1 Art( 2013高考)

选修6 Units 1~2 六、鼠标的用途 Step Ⅰ 千里之行,始于足下。A journey of one thousand miles begins with the first step! 这里的佳句背诵是为了Step Ⅲ的满分作文 句型提炼与拓展 1.做广告是非常有效的推销方法之一。 Advertising is one of the most effective methods of promotion. 2.天上的星星数不清。 It is almost impossible to count the stars in the sky. 3.他连那姑娘的名字也不知道,更别说住址了。 He did not know the girls name, let alone her address. 4.家里预备一个工具箱,维修东西时就方便多了。 A toolbox is really handy and convenient in making repairs in the house. 5.随着科学技术的发展,飞机使人们能够更快地进行远距离旅行。 With the development of science and technology, airplanes enable people to travel great distances more rapidly. 6.这场雨将给我们带来好收成,而且也会给我们带来好日子。 The rain will give us a good harvest and even bring us a good life. 1.one of the most effective methods最有效的方法之一 2.It is almost impossible to ...……几乎不可能。 3.He did not ...,let alone ...他不……,更别说……。 4....is really handy and convenient in doing sth. ……做某事用起来确实方便。 5.with the development of science and technology 随着科学技术的发展 Airplanes enable people to travel great distances rapidly. Airplanes make travelling great distances rapidly possible. Airplanes make it possible to travel great distances rapidly. Airplanes contribute to the possibility of travelling great distances rapidly. 飞机使人们能够很快地远距离旅行。 6....will give us ...and even bring us ... ……将给我们带来……,甚至还给我们带…… 趁热打铁,佳句活用 对照修改,再次背诵 1.鼠标是使用电脑的人非常有效的交互工具之一。 ______________________________________2.对大多数人来说,不用鼠标操作电脑几乎不可能,更不用说网上冲浪了。 ________________________________________________________________________ 3.一个精心购置的鼠标非常便捷,控制屏幕非常方便。 __________________________________4.有了插入、删除、移动、拷贝各项功能,鼠标能让我们编辑文本,浏览网页,下载我们想要的材料。 ________________________________________________________________________ 5.它甚至能带给我们海量的音乐,电影和电脑游戏。 __________________________________1.The mouse is one of the most effective devices used by people to communicate with a computer. 2.For most people,its almost impossible to operate a computer without a mouse,let alone surf the Internet. 3.A well-chosen mouse is really handy,flexible and convenient in controlling the


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