初等教育专业毕业论文 浅谈小学汉语拼音教学现状分析及应对策略.doc

初等教育专业毕业论文 浅谈小学汉语拼音教学现状分析及应对策略.doc

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初等教育专业毕业论文 浅谈小学汉语拼音教学现状分析及应对策略

湖南 学院 毕业论文 姓 名: 邮 编: 422000 指导教师: 电 话: 专 业: 初等教育专业题 目: 浅谈汉语拼音教学现状、分析及应对策略 2012年5 月 目 录 摘要………………………………………………………….…………………..……………2 关键词…………………………………………………………………………………………2 一、小学拼音教学现状………………………………………………………………………3 二、小学拼音教学现状分析…………………………………………………………………4 三.应对策略…………………………………………………………………………………6 参考文献……………………………………………………………………8 浅谈小学汉语拼音教学现状、分析及应对策略 肖争男 摘要:语文是重要的交际工具,是人类文化的重要组成部分,而汉语拼音是学好语文这一重要交际工具的基础,在小学语文教学中是帮助识字、正音、学习普通话的工具。同时在发展儿童的语言、促进儿童早期智力开发防粘,具有重大的现实意义。汉语拼音是一年级新生入学后首先学习的内容,拼音学习的好坏直接影响到学生今后的语文学习及生活,所以作为语文教师我们不得不重视汉语拼音教学。本文浅谈小学汉语拼音教学现状,分析产生这些问题的原因,以及面对这些情况我们该如何应对,提出了一些观点 关键词:小学拼音教学 现状 分析 应对策略 On the Primary Hanyu Pinyin teaching situation, analysis and countermeasures Xiaozhengnan Abstract: Language is an important communication tool, an important part of human culture, and Hanyu Pinyin is the basis to learn the language of this important communication tool in language teaching in primary schools is to help literacy, pronunciation, learning Mandarin tools. Childrens language development, the promotion of early childhood intellectual development of anti-sticking, and is of great practical significance. Hanyu Pinyin is a freshmen enrollment after first learning of phonetic learning a direct impact on students language learning and living, as language teachers we have to attach importance to the Hanyu Pinyin teaching. This article On the Hanyu Pinyin teaching situation in primary schools, analysis of the reasons of these problems, as well as the face of these circumstances we how to deal with, and put forward some views Keywords: Primary phonetic teaching methods and coping strategies 一、小学拼音教学现状 汉语拼音是学习语文的重要工具,它对学生以后识字有很大作用,有利于识字、阅读和学说图通话,有利于发展学生的语言,发展思维。汉语拼音教学贯穿着整个小学语文的学习,所以也是学好语文的必经之路。但学生学习汉语拼音现状不容乐观,主要体现在以下几个方面: (一)教师对学



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