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双语盘点:17种改变世界的物质   SYDNEY: All molecules are not created equal. Some have saved billions of lives, wreaked environmental havoc or made the world a more colorful place. Heres our selection of those that have changed the course of human history。   发自悉尼:分子并非同时被创造。它们当中有的已经存在亿万年,或者造成环境的大破坏,或者让世界变得更加丰富多彩。在这里,我们将选出十七种改变人类历史进程的物质分子。   PENICILLIN — R-C9H11N2O4S   When British microbiologist Alexander Fleming stumbled upon penicillin in 1928, he couldnt have imagined the impact it would have on modern medicine. Fleming noticed that Petri dishes with mould on them grew no bacteria, and in doing so discovered the first antibiotic. Before penicillin came into widespread use in the 1940s, wounds and diseases like syphilis were killers; antibiotics have since saved an estimated 200 million lives。   青霉素R-C9H11N2O4S   1928年,当英国微生物学家亚历山大·弗莱明首次发现青霉素时,他并没有料到这种物质对现代医学造成怎样的影响。弗莱明注意到,在发霉的培养皿中没有生长任何细菌,由此,他发现了第一种抗生素。到1940年代青霉素被广泛使用之前,像梅毒这样的创伤病害便足以杀死人类;自从抗生素被发现之后,据估计它们至少拯救了两亿生命。   SODIUM CHLORIDE — NaCl   Salt paved the way for modern civilization; it was used to preserve vegetables and meat as long as 4,000 years ago. This gave our ancestors the freedom to store food for hard times, travel long distances and live in harsh climates. Salt is also an important ingredient in the production of chemicals, soap and paper. Sodium chloride is in such high demand that in 2006 alone, 240 million tones were produced。   氯化钠NaCl   盐铺就了现代文明的道路;早在四千年前,它就被用来为蔬菜和肉类保鲜。这让我们的祖先在困难时期、长途旅行或恶劣气候条件下可以自由保存食品。盐也是制造化学品、肥皂和纸张的重要成分。人们对于氯化钠的需求是如此之高,仅在2006年,它们的产量就达到两亿四千万吨。   POTASSIUM NITRATE — KNO3   As the key ingredient in gunpowder, potassium nitrate allowed humans to propel bullets from guns and, in doing so, changed the face of warfare. Today, there are more than 500 million handguns in circulation, causing at least 1,000 deaths every day. The formula for gunpowder was likely discovered in the 8th century, although it wasnt until the 13th century that it was first used in canons。   硝酸钾KNO3   作为制造黑火药的关键成分,正是硝酸钾推动子弹飞出


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