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汉语原文5 妙计 国防 星期天早上,我去逛时装点。热情的女店员不厌其烦地拿出一套又一套,我看中的却是柜台边模特穿的那一套,便试探着问:“这套真丝连衣裙多少钱?” “这是样品,不卖的。不过,我可以问问老板。”我有点遗憾,如果肯卖,300也值。 “老板,那一套样品连衣裙定价多少?”女店员转身朝里屋喊道。 一个老板模样的人走出来,看了我一眼,很随便地说:“那套嘛,700……20元,不讲价!”说完又钻进里屋去了。 720元!也太贵了。 “小姐,老板说了,420元一套,您要吗?”女店员热情不变。 720元?我明明听见老板说720元一要的!难道……不容多想,我赶紧掏钱:“我要,我要。”女店员手脚麻利地把连衣裙叠放在礼品袋中。接过袋子,我连忙溜之大吉。 刚出门口,身后飘来女店员的声音:“这招真灵,又卖成一套。” (摘自《青年博览》1994年10月) A subtle trick I hung about a garment shop Sunday morning. The agile sales assistant showed me the garments one after another, but what attracted me is the one which was displayed on the model near the counter. I asked in a measured tone: “How much is the silk dress??a“This is sample, not for sales. But I may consult my boss for you.” I felt a little down, if permitted, I could pay 300 yuan to buy it. “Mr. Boss, how much is the sample dress priced?” the assistant yelled back at the deeper room. A boss-looking man stepped out, taking a glance at me before he started casually: “Umm, this is only for 700…umm, 720, fixed!” words finished, he drew back into the room again quickly. What an high price! I thought within myself. “Miss, my boss priced it 420 yuan, do you want it, then?” the assistant was none the less of former hospitality. What?! I heard the boss named 720 clearly, unless… I sought for my purse without much pondering: “I am buying, I am buying.” The assistant packed the dress into a gift bag nimbly, I fetched it over and disappeared quickly. However, barely had I walked out of the store when the assistant’s voice reached me: “So efficient the strategy is! Another sanction closed here! ” 班里最大胆的女孩 勇气就是起身、说话所需的东西; 勇气也是坐下、静听所需的东西。 Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen. —Winston Churchill — 温斯顿·丘吉尔 我永远也不会忘记第一次听到我们英语老师巴恩斯先生在课堂发表那些不妥言辞的情形。他布置了第一次家庭作业,有同学问要写多长为宜,他说:“就像女人的裙子,要长得足够遮羞,也可短得十分有趣。”男生们哄堂大笑,还相互击掌相庆,不过巴恩斯先生只是坐在那里微笑着,脸上掠过一丝让人难受的戏谑神情。这让我抖起鸡皮疙瘩。 随着时间流逝,他那一年的言辞越来越不得体。我开始害怕上他的课了。他会把我们学的任何东西都扯到负面的、贬低女性的那方面上。这让人感觉耻辱。他怎能这样对待我



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