2112(trans)ex 3 chapter 5资料.doc

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Exercise 3 台风 居民 避开高大树木、棚子、架子、架空电线、倾斜及倒下的电线杆、高层施工现场、塔吊或工地围墙、广告牌、危旧建筑等。 加固门窗及有可能被风吹落的物体,如花盆、护栏、遮雨棚、晾衣杆、室外天线等。 检查煤气及电路,留心火源。 航海船只 1、注意收听气象预报,保持与陆地指挥系统的联络。 2、尚未出港船只,推迟出港时间;海面航行船只,视情况改变航线。 雷电 关闭门窗,远离门窗、水管、煤气管等金属物体;关闭家用电器,拔掉电源插头。 在郊外,要及时躲避,不要再空旷地停留;无处躲避时,不要跑动,不要打雨伞等物件,尽量找低洼处蹲下。 远离孤立的大树、高塔、电线杆、广告牌等。 在户外不使用手机。 被雷电击中人员,立即采用心肺复苏法抢救。 Chapter 5(translation of ads) 课堂资料 1、The home of your dreams awaits you behind this door. Whether your taste be a country manor estate or a penthouse in the sky, you will find the following pages filled with the world’s most elegant residences. 2、“长城号”游船设施豪华舒适,除观景塔、露天观景塔、游泳池、酒吧间、日光浴室外,佳肴美点,中西皆备,并有宽敞的游步甲板,游客饱览沿途风光,华丽而舒适的客房均有空调设备,令您有宾至如归的感受。 3、本品采用100%天然棉层精梳制成,品质柔软贴切,适合化妆使用。经特殊化学高温杀菌、脱脂处理,品质清洁,卫生可靠。棉质柔软细致,能彻底清除油垢残妆,让你的肌肤更具健康活力。最适用于上妆、卸妆;拭除面霜、唇膏、指甲油;清洁贵重物品。 4、 Queen Elizabeth 2 The fastest way to Europe is not the necessarily the best way. Sailing on Queen Elizabeth 2 is a vacation in itself, you do not arrive in a frazzle, more tired than when you left. You arrive as you should: refreshed, with new friends and new experiences. There are more things to see and do aboard Queen Elizabeth 2 than there are in most European towns. She’s 65000 tons, 13 stories high, and longer than three football fields. Queen Elizabeth 2 is one of the great sights of Europe. An airplane provides a seat, Queen Elizabeth 2 provides a stateroom nicer than most hotels in Europe. Room for room, she has the largest stateroom, wardrobes, dressing rooms, and bathrooms of any ships afloat. Queen Elizabeth 2 has a staff of over 900. This means at least one crew member for every two passengers. When you ring for your steward or stewardess, the call is answered with dispatch. Like a good English butler or maid, they are there when you want them and not there when you don’t want them. Queen Elizabeth 2 carries so many passengers, you are bound to meet a host of people you like, or love. (Is there time to fall in love on an airplain?) And if you should happen to


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