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M6_U1_Project_阅读材料中英文对照版 The invisible bench Characters: Five students Setting: A park Really, what this courtyard needs is a bench. Maybe here? (‘sits’ as if there is a bench. ) No. ( gets up, walks to the other side of the stage. Tony enters, but Mike does not notice. ) Maybe here? (‘sits’ again) Yes, I think maybe here. What are you doing? I’m sitting on an invisible bench, of course. Can I join you? Of course. (moves over as if to make room for Tony) Ah, it’s rather nice here, isn’t it? Indeed. (Both ‘sit’ for a while, reading their textbooks. ) (Cathy enters.) What is going on here? We’re sitting on an invisible bench. You should join us. It’s nice and cosy. Okay. Thanks for the invitation. ( Mike and Tony move over. Cathy ‘sits’ down alongside them. ) Wow, it’s quite comfortable! ) (Paula enters. ) Sitting on an invisible bench, are you? Yes, how did you know? I was doing the same thing myself, just yesterday. Mind if I sit down? (Mike looks annoyed.) Not at all. Please do! ( All make room. Mike stands up and wanders over to the middle of the stage and ‘sits’ down. Ann enters, looks at Mike.) You look like you are sitting on an invisible bench. Yes, I am. What are they doing over there? We’re sitting on an invisible bench too! No, you抮e not. We抮e not? No.g I must have forgotten to tell you. (smiles) It got too crowded, so I moved the bench. Entire group (Tony, Paula and Cathy) fall down. The End The important papers Characters: The King, the Queen, Servant Setting: The King’s castle. King’s armchair is empty. Queen sits in her armchair, reading. King enters. Where are all of our servants? They are so lazy. (yells) SERVANT! (Servant enters.) Yes, sir. What can I bring you? I need, no, I must have, my (gives a serious look at Servant) important papers. (sits down) Servant exits, comes back in with a pile of official-looking papers and gives them to King. (throws them at Servant in anger) No, no, no, bring my important papers! What are thes


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