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New Trend for Intellectual Property?知识产权新动向?The technology industry?is at war over?intellectual property. On May 7th the first round of a three-part fight between Oracle and Google over?patentand?copyright?claims relating to the Java programming language ended in a decision that denied?outright?victory to either firm. Apple, Samsung and others are fighting over smartphone patents. Facebook and Yahoo!?compete intensely for?internet patents.?Accusations?abound?that innovation is taking a back seat to?lawsuit.?Only the lawyers are smiling.科技产业就知识产权的问题一直纷争不断。5月7日,甲骨文和谷歌就与编程语言Java相关的专利和版权声明进行了多回合的首轮较量,结果双方铩羽而归。苹果、三星及其他厂商在智能手机的专利权问题上拼得焦头烂额。脸谱网和雅虎也因互联网专利闹得很不愉快。官司铺天盖地,逼得创新给诉讼让位。唯独律师喜笑颜开。All of which makes this a good time to?launch?a new approach to trading intellectual property, says Gerard Pannekoek, the boss of IPXI, a newfinancial exchange?that lets companies buy, sell and?hedge?patent rights, just like any other asset. The idea is to offer a patent or group of patents as “unit license rights” (ULRs), which can be bought and sold like shares.?A ULR?grants a one-time right to use a particular technology in a single product:?a new type of airbag?sensor?in a car, say. If a company wants to use the technology in 100,000 cars, it buys 100,000 ULRs at the market price. ULRs are also expected to be traded on secondary markets.?(黄色部分如何理解,可以借用后句的解释,这是一种很重要的理解能力)国际知识产权交易所公司(IPXI)联席主席拉德?潘涅库克如是说到:这些纷争为知识产权交易创造了良机,这种新型金融交易像处置资产一样,可以让公司购买、出售并保有专利权。该公司的构想是提供单个专利或打包成授权的专利组合,这些专利可以像股份一样买卖。一个授权专利组合允许在单件产品上一次性使用某个技术:这就是说,一个新式的安全气囊传感器仅能用于一辆轿车。若一家公司想在十万量轿车上都应用该技术,它就得按市场价购进同等数量的技术许可。授权的专利组合也可在二级市场上交易。??This is simpler, faster and cheaper than the lawyer-intensive process of negotiating?bilateral?licenses for intellectual property, the high cost of whichdiscriminates against?small companies, leaves patents unused on the shelf and?hampers?innovation. IPXI’s approach does not work for all types of intellectual property—it does not allow?exclusive licensing, for example—but should make it easier


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