Open Question分类.doc

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Open Question分类

Open Question分类 (总结一下,发现open question差不多分为这5类) 1。about Career objective, why do you apply for this positon Example:1)Why do you apply for this position? (最常见的) 2)Why are you interested in Dow and your main achievement that differentiate you from other applicants? 3)Please describe your career objective and what you have done to date to achieve it. 2。about your social activities(related to the position you applied Example:1)亲自策划的实践活动中,成功实施的案例 2)Please briefly describe what kind of leadership position/organization that you have experienced 3.about a specific situation(help to highlight the quality required by the positon Example:1)Please describe an occasion where you met with real difficulties. How did you solve the problem? 2)Please briefly describe a difficult or complex problem you have faced and how did you approach and solve it 4.about personal information(strengths, weakness, hobbies Example:1)Please give a brief summary of your current recreational and leisure activities,including sports and hobbies. 5.others Example:1)What is your definition of success? 1. Give an example of a time when you were leading and influencing the direction of a project or task. 领导能力,承担风险的能力 A:At the end of November in 2005, we successfully held an exhibition which was initiated and led by me. We positioned it as the First Architectural Students’ Portfolio Exhibition, which, as you can see would be unprecedented. First, I drafted the schedule and divided the 25 classmates into 6 groups to undertake some certain tasks. Everyone in a team was distributed the appropriate work after considering his or her talents. Second, since the cost of project was beyond our affordability, we had to attract others to support us. After negotiating with Jinzhao Decoration Company, they finally agreed to sponsor us 800yuan by making an advertisement for them as a return. In addition, we got 1300yuan from our college. Third, because all the groups’ work had been completed, we hired 300 steer pi


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