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北京理工大学珠海学院 《英美散文》限选课课程论文 题目:’s Career 学 : 专业班级: ___10级英语5班_____ 学 号: ___1010020510xx _ 学生姓名: 任课教师: 北京理工大学珠海学院英语专业教研室 2013年1月 Abstract Virginia Woolf is generally regarded as one of the greatest writers of modernism as well as one of the pioneers of women’s liberation from patriarchy. In her novel, emphasis is on the psychological realm of her characters and the moment-by-moment experience of living, which are depicted by the techniques of interior monologue and stream of consciousness. In Professions for Women, Virginia Woolf gives a clear and convincing presentation of the obstacles facing professional women. Women’s social status is improved through their resistance. Key words: Virginia Woolf professional women social status resistance 摘要 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫通常被认为是现代主义最伟大的作家之一从父权制妇女解放弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫给出明确的和令人信服的陈述职业女性所面临的障碍。弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫职业女性Along with the development of times, Women have entered the profession dominated by men. Women are not given in to the callous profession because they are women, weak and beautiful. However, a woman in profession is not the synonym of profession, and also has the confidence to win the competition with men. If they have the confidence to face pressure bravely and are indomitable, women can also give full scope to women’s abilities in profession dominated by men. Moreover, professional women have to overcome those obstacles on the road of pursuing their profession .They have to fight against something outside – the phantom, or the Angel in the house as well as face the inner struggle between the conflicting ideas within the writers themselves. Chapter1. The low status of women 1.1 The low status of women in Ancient China Three Obedience and Four Virtues for Women are as follows .W omen must obey her father as a daughter, obey her husband as a wife, obey her sons in widowhood. And women have to adhere to morality, proper speech,


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