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Chapter 13 The Great War 1914-1918 Section 1 The Stage is Set for War I.) An Uneasy Peace Grips Europe -forces that caused WWI: a.) nationalism b.) imperialism c.) militarism d.) alliance system A.) The Steady Rise of Nationalism -deep devotion to ones nation -rivalry among European nations (competition and territorial disputes) B.) Imperialism -compete for colonies in Africa and Asia -sense of rivalry and mistrust grew C.) The Growth of Militarism -1890s arms race in Europe -need to have a powerful military -large standing armies a.) militarism -a policy of glorifying military power and keeping a standing army always prepared for war II.) Tangled Alliances -alliance system was designed to keep peace A.) Bismarck Forges Early Pacts -Otto von Bismarck=chancellor of Germany -first goal was to isolate France -1879=Dual Alliance--Germany and Austria-Hungary a.) Triple Alliance -1882 -Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy -1887=Germany became allies with Russia -very unstable alliances B.) Shifting Alliances Threaten Peace a.) Kaiser Wilhelm II -ruler of Germany -forced Bismarck to resign -1890--Russia no longer a German ally -1892--Russia and France form an alliance -1904--Britain alliances with France a.) Triple Entente -1907 -Britain, France, and Russia -Triple Alliance (Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy) vs. Triple Entente (Britain, France, and Russia) III.) Crisis in the Balkans A.) Europes Powder Keg -Balkans=powder keg -new nations formed out of Ottoman Empire -nationalism was powerful -1908---Austria annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina -1914--Serbia gained some territory -Austria-Hungary was afraid Serbia and the Slavic people would get too powerful B.) A Shot Rings Throughout Europe -June 28, 1914 in Sarajevo, Bosnia -Archduke Franz Ferdinand and Sophie of Austria-Hungary were assassinated -Gavrilo Princip--19 years old/Black Hand/Serbian -Austria wanted to punish Serbia -Germany gav


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